I have long said that this needs sorting out here in England/Wales and N.Ireland. I think a good time would be on the back of the ruling when we get it from OZ.
Regardless of the outcome of the case, it will be a good way of getting the media spotlight trained on the terrible situation within the JW organisation here, and no doubt many other places around the World.
Once the principle is established that ministers are required to be CRB checked, (so at a minimum include MS's if not all JW's, they are all ministers so they claim),once that has been done, we still need to campaign for them to actually have an active working programme to protect children and the vulnerable.
We had an Elder who preyed upon the mentally unstable young sisters , they were all adult, not children, no CRB check would have shown anything on him at the time.
CRB checks alone are not enough, as any responsible body in the U.K knows, a stringent policy demonstrating itself in best practice is required.