I agree with that dreadful apostate Anony Mouse, I think if you wish to appreciate the Bible books as literature even, and they are in reality no more than that, you need to know about the time that they were written in, the genre, the methods used by the writers.
Just one example, when giving an oracle/prophecy a writer may mention 70 years,(or some other number), this is a literary device, not to be taken literally and retro-fitted by us, or worse still the WT, into history.
I see no evidence that will stand forensic and scientific scrutiny for a God or Gods or Godesses or spirits or demons or angels, or "Holy Writ".
There is wisdom in the various writings of the many religions, for example, I like the Eightfold Noble Path of Buddhism, I like the Golden Rule as found in so many faiths, but these have come from men who were great thinkers, not from outside our world.