So, according to the Creationists the Noachian Flood happened about 7 million years ago ? or do they just not listen to the facts ? what a silly question, of course they don't.
Posts by wobble
"Ancient Whale Bones Found Atacama Desert, Chile!" Creation or Evolution
by AvocadoJake inhow did those whale bones get into the atacama desert, if you have been there, it is a barren wasteland.
i belive it might have been caused by the flood, but again i am one who belives in god.
what do you think of this find, jesus or non-intelligence?
Mickey Mouse thinks religious belief is.............
by wobble inmickey mouse, our very own treasured poster, not the cartoon character, thinks that religious belief is both rational and intelligent.. do you ?.
"Do I think religious belief is irrational and unintelligent?" I am with you Size, unintelligent may sound harsh, but intelligence is to do with problem solving, and religious belief has not done much to solve human problems in the last 30,000 years or so.
You and I both, I believe, are not saying that the believer is "Irrational and unintelligent" as a person, just that their belief is. And by the same token, it is the belief that atheists attack, not the whole person, and to attack a belief, showing it to be irrational and unintelligent, does not make one a bigot.
Costs of Circuit Assembley
by Gorbatchov inrecent we had a circuit assembley.
we used the jw assembley facility.
it's (the building) totaly payed off without any mortage.
WBTS =WatchtowerBibleTract and Scam
How was the singing in your congro?
by karter inmine as best abysmal.. we had brother ..i can't sing in tune but will sing louder than anyone else.. sister trained opera voice that sang a note or 3 above everyone else.. the rest were just down rite dreadfull..
We had those types you mention, Bro Shouty and Sis Trill who held the note when everyone else had run out of breath. It was 'kin awful.
I am surprised that the GB/Writing boys only have a half hearted article every few years about singing, it is well known that religious groups use it because of what is released into the brain during stirring singing, "happyfying" endorphins or whatever they are, it is the reason that many attend a church with good music as part of the act.
The problem they have got of course is that they will not use professional musicians and composers, so the songs they have are unsingable crap.
The "White Salamander Letter." that almost fooled the Mormon Church.
by AvocadoJake inthe mormon church went into a frenzy to purchase this brilliant letter, the letter turned out to be a forgery.
it does beg the question, if they were willing to buy this letter to cover it up, what else have they hiddened in their religion?
this topic is under the bible, the reason because the mormons told me today, "we follow the bible, gospel, as god's word.
A "Salamander Letter" about Chazzer Russell would have no effect on modern JW's, they already ignore the genuine scandal surrounding the man, so no letter revealing more would shake their faith in the present "FDS".
Interesting pont you raise about the LDS wishing to purchase it to cover up, and therfore this begs the question, "what else have they covered up?"
the same applies to the WT/JW cult, they have made gagging orders in court on a number of occasions, and threatened legal action in many more, so what have they covered up ? Paedophile scandals and many other things for sure.
KM about donations
by MrFreeze inin lostinthought's thread about their mom ( they alluded to a service meeting part last week about how you can donate to the wt.
i don't really want to take that thread off topic.
does anybody have the scan of that km?.
Why do they need donations at all ? Surely the owner of the Universe, Jehoober, is the richest of all ?
Or does he need a lesson in how to handle his current account at the Pleides Bank ?
How do Jehovahs Witnesses arrive at their explanation of the Bible?
by mankkeli inthis explanation was taken from the reasoning book, page 204.. how do jehovahs witnesses arrive at their explanation of the bible?.
a key factor is that the witnesses really believe that the bible is gods word and that what it contains is there for our instruction.
(2 tim.
O.K so I just accept the blather that comes out of Brooklyn, whether it agrees with the bible or not, for the sake of unity ?
You can be very unified in supporting a lie, but it is still a lie. If individual JW's are never to be allowed to "make the Truth their own" then they will always be prone to being misled by men. As they have been since the late 19th century.
You cant make stuff like this up: "Cops: Fake doc injected woman's buttocks with cement"
by darthfader intwo words... oh my!.
(cbs/ap) miami - a transgendered woman was arrested friday for allegedly posing as a doctor and injecting cement, mineral oil and flat-tire sealant into the buttocks of a woman who had wanted a fuller figure.
Did she s**t a brick ?
How do Jehovahs Witnesses arrive at their explanation of the Bible?
by mankkeli inthis explanation was taken from the reasoning book, page 204.. how do jehovahs witnesses arrive at their explanation of the bible?.
a key factor is that the witnesses really believe that the bible is gods word and that what it contains is there for our instruction.
(2 tim.
Your opening post quotes the "Reasoning" book explanation of how Bible understanding is supposedly reached by the GB.
It is noteworthy that no individual JW may come to an undersatnding that is different from what the GB/Writing Committee are printing at present, if they do they are DF'd for apostasy. So each individual JW is totally reliant upon the explanations he is fed by the GB.
The GB/Writing dept. come to their present understanding based on former mistaken views held by their predecessors and a misunderstanding of who are god's servants, the Holy Spirit cannot have any connection to errors and lies.
Mickey Mouse thinks religious belief is.............
by wobble inmickey mouse, our very own treasured poster, not the cartoon character, thinks that religious belief is both rational and intelligent.. do you ?.
Can we perhaps agree then, that belief in something with no proof, cannot be termed a rational belief ?
This is not to infer that the person holding the belief is irrational in all their thinking, it may just be in the one belief.