My story, brief edition, more info available if of use to Honourable Journo:
Born into the religion in the U.K in 1950. Even when young could not swallow all the strange interpretations of prophecy and scripture. Always aware of not agreeing with a lot of what was published, but as it was all I had known, and on a daily basis at home, and three times a week at Meetings at the Kingdom Hall, it was drummed in to me that the religion was "the Truth" and that it was the only religion that used god's name, which they said was jehovah.
I stuck with the religion,and was an active preacher and supporter, until one day I woke up and realised that the foundation doctrine, their "raison d'etre" , that Jesus began to reign in Heaven in the year 1914 simply had no basis in scripture, it is not in the Bible.
It therefore followed that the claim made that Jesus chose them in 1919 as his representatives on earth was untrue, and any authority claimed by the leaders of the religion, especially its Governing Body, was fraudulant.
I walked away at the ripe old age of 58, and I have never been happier. My world view has totally changed for the better, and I am a better person too.
I have managed, thus far, not to be "disciplined" by the religion for leaving, so my family,( all Jw's, )and old "friends" from the religion still talk to me, but there is now a coldness and reserve, some avoid me if at all possible, they have had fear instilled in them by the religion that I will destroy their faith if they talk religion with me, how weak their "truth" is !
I now recognise the religion for what it is, a mind-controlling, restrictive, dangerous cult.