I totally disagree with you Min, it is a waste of time pussy-footing around worrying about the sensitivities of Lurkers, if they haven't the courage to speak up then let 'em rot in thw WT I say !
I used to be a nice guy when I was a JW, not anymore, its Wobble the Bastard now, after all , us Apostates spit acid you know !
Only joking, I agree that many of the views we freely express here come as a shock to someone emerging from the bubble that is life in the Fairy La La Land of the WT cult.
It would be a crying shame if any were confirmed in the lying view that the WT has fed them by perhaps just a cursory reading on here.
But I think if someone is of "honest heart", to steal a phrase, and they read for a little while, they will see this place for what it is, a wonderfully free forum, where people may air their views, however silly or strange, or explosively revealing perhaps, with regard to the WT, and their ideas will be debated.
I was born in, in for 58 years, and I was shocked at much of what I read on here, when I first lurked, but I soon realised that more truth was to be found on here in a few minites reading than a lifetime spent in the WT.
I also found the love and support and education that helped me not only change my world view, but conquer the suicidal depression I suffered from when first arriving on JWD/JWN.
You guys really did save a life !
The only downside is you have to put up with me until the Grim Reaper catches me !
Thanks, Love Y'all !