Hey Lazarus !
It seems as though you missed my remark about it not being an attack on you guys, so you question my morals.
I am not holding myself up as superior at all, just different to a degree.
And I guess that once we wake up to the reality that the WT cannot tell us what is right and wrong,because they don't know the difference between the two, and we have to get our own moral compass , then we decide how we will live, and what we will do and not do.
There are things I cannot do, its just part of me I suppose, for example, if someone gave me too much change in a shop say, I could not keep it.
Similarly, I find it impossible to go along with stuff I know to be false, so, if my favourite political party was pushing some downright lies, I would not support them (I know, difficult for me to find someone to vote for !)
Living a lie is not easy for me. But that is all irrelevant to what I am trying to discover, really I would like to know ,what would it take to get you guys who are in, to walk, despite the (Possible) consequences ?
How low do the WT have to go ?