I had trouble with accepting this nonsense when I was a kid of eleven or so,(1960/1) but I stayed inthe religion for ove rforty more years, despite not swallowing any of this crap.
Cognitive Dissonance is a strange phenomenon.
one of the jehovahs witness doctrines that many of us have had trouble believing is that the seven angels trumpet blasts described in revelation applied to events that occurred in the 1920s at seven assemblies held around the world at the time when judge rutherford was the president of the watchtower society.. the revelation climax book (1988) contains this summary on page 173:.
highlights of jehovah's trumpetlike judgment proclamations.
1922 cedar point, ohio: a challenge to christendom's leaders in religion, politics, and big business to justify their failure to bring peace, prosperity, and happiness.
I had trouble with accepting this nonsense when I was a kid of eleven or so,(1960/1) but I stayed inthe religion for ove rforty more years, despite not swallowing any of this crap.
Cognitive Dissonance is a strange phenomenon.
sunday i visited a local resturant in a strip-mall type of setup.
several business were closed over the weekend.
while leaving i noticed the next door had something stuck in the handle.
I was in the waiting room in a hospital on Monday, buried deeep amongst the wonderful mags to read while you wait, you know the ones, full of "celebrities" you have never heard of, was a bunch of Awakes and one W,T
I wrote on the front of each, "To find out more go to WWWjwfacts.com" and then I tucked them back at the bottom of the pile.
just another corporate re-adjustment?
read the description...i wish my property benefited from the same luxuries.. http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/commercialproperty/2011/1012/1224305632482.html.
I think it has been vacant for a while, but they still get volunteers to keep it looking good while they try to sell it.
Once sold, where will the money go ?
Yet again they show there acumen as real estate experts, selling at the bottom of the market.
The Holy Spirit is not much of aprperty dealer .
for those who are still in the jw/wt religion for whatever reason , and to whatever extent, i ask :.
how high would you rate your moral standards ?.
where do you stand on telling lies, upholding truth, deceiving others etc ?.
Thank you for your honest reply FM.
I know I could not stand being torn apart by pretending to be in, I do not have that kind of strength. I guess I would have been no good as a Resistance fighter in occupied France in WW2 !
I suppose you guys who are still in are a little like that, going about your daily business as usual, but prepared,if the chance arises, to blow up a bridge or two !
I do really wish you all well, but I think you are wasting your time, your life, by hanging on in there, how many do you know who have remained a long time in and got their family out ?
It seems to me that if you cannot accomplish their release in a few months you never will, and by staying yourself for longer, you simply entrench them further.
i wanted my next project in the process of undoing watchtower doctrine to be their history of statements/rulings on medical treatments.
i found out just how little i really knew once i checked out ajwrb.org's scriptural discussion of the blood issue.
the logic was excellent.
Thanks for your contribution SD7, this is still one of the most important areas that need discussion and if possible media coverage, people die because of a faulty doctrine, based on a crazy use of scripture.
Children die, children who have no say in what is done or not done to them, the decisions being made by parents who themselves have not looked at the issue in a logical rational way.
Ignorant and mis-informed JW's are not fit individuals to make such decisions.
As to taking a B.T for myself, I feel much as you do, if the luxury of using my own blood is possible ,then I far prefer that, simply for medical reasons. If it comes to dying or taking donated blood, no contest, I only have this life, I ain't goin' to squander it.
yes friends, it is important to understand your rich spiritual heritage as jehovah's witnesses, and so you don't have to look at old publications on your own or refer to worldly sources, the organization is pleased to select for you the history as we want you to have it and you can get it in your current watchtower.. from january 15, 2012 watchtower pg 31-32. the governing body is keenly interested in.
our theocratic history.
in commenting on the.
Nothing like the incendiary stuff Mad sweeney posted will be dealt with in the archives. This is similar to what they did with the Proclaimers book, cherry pick what they talk about, whitewash what they can, totally leave out the embarassing nonsense they promulgated as "Truth" .
If you can change the past, you control the present.
They are the equivalent of Holocaust deniers.
jw leadership shows an appalling lack of creativty and originality.. -- meeting attendance down across the board?
let's keep the same 1940's format anyway!.
-- missionaries quitting their assignments?
And may their ineptitude continue until they are no more.
i am in the uk.. i have an ex-jw relative in the usa.
he says that having lived ib both the uk and the usa that the jws are different from the uk to the usa.. how true could this be?.
at least int he area i grew up the term 'mother' for the organization is not familiar to me.
Yes, but they are soooo united, all think the same, eat the same spiritual food.
That's the official story.
I think there are definite cultural differences, and definite differenced between individual congregations, sometimes dictated by the Alpha Male Elder.
Ther are some things that are a no-no in one country, and yet in another, in spite of perhaps Q from Readers guidance, these things are ignored, hunting for example.
Bottom line is, they ain't what they pretend to be, a united brotherhood.
this is a preliminary summary only.
i hope to obtain more details later.. .
all five cases are still within the criminal justice system.
I think the point being made by the lawyer for the WT was that no such legal entity as "The Christian Congregation ....." exists in Oz.
This will come as a shock to JW Elders in Oz if any have received letters with a heading with those words, or a signing off of such a letter, and I would not be surprised if they have, if so, who is this phantom letter writer ?
i am just curious if anyone read crisis of conscience and still remained a jw with a good conscience?..
I sympathise JWfacts, my JW family are the same, they will go to their graves having wasted their lives working for no pay for a publishing company who by its cult methods has closed their minds completely.
The O.P asks about remaining a JW in good conscience ? I am not sure if the question is, does what you know trouble even the strangely malleable and plastic conscience of a JW ? or, does not your conscience (not the WT one) now trouble you for remaining a JW ? Now you know there is no truth in it ?