Congrats from Wobble and Mrs Wobble !
Have a great day y'all !
two fabulous individuals who bring such a lot to this forum!.
have a fantastic day together .
heres to many more x. love paula and kev x.
Congrats from Wobble and Mrs Wobble !
Have a great day y'all !
in 1974 i had moved to california from texas and my nowhere jw janitor job to a real career in a field i loved.
i had packed my jw wife and 3 kids in my 1970 ford maverick and drove into the unknown.. mind you, this was on the very eve of a very "important date in human history".
I agree with the above advice , but there is a whole huge bunch of people "Going with the flow" and not rocking any boats etc. "for the sake of family "
How long will they hold their tongue and sit there in the K.Hall giving tacit support to the religion ?
How will they free their family, if the family think everything is O.K ?
What a waste of lives.
despite admitting that he was "flabbergasted" that the world still existed, camping insisted his erroneous warning had in fact been correct - but that only a spiritual "judgment day" had occurred.. lol.
read more:
Ah the old "It happened invisibly" excuse. Like Jesus coming in1914 etc
Silly old fart, he is as silly as the old farts of Brooklyn, soon to be Warwick or wherever the cult compound is going to be.
karl marks 1844 used these words.. i meet alot of witnesses who have a glazed look in there eyes talking about one day being in "paradise" and having a pet lamb and elder who is extremely jolly and enthusiastic about the truth, told me against doctors orders regarding his pnumonia he will keep pioneering this month???
?....religious people are just hooked on this drug that makes them feel better about death and suffering..
Thank you P Sac. for your explanation of dear old beardy Karl Marx's views on religion.
I have read the full quote before, and I too came to realise that K.M was not overly concerned about training his guns on religion, he rightly appraised that the oppresion of the proletariat came from the ruling classes, although they were aided and abetted by religion.
Yours is a very good summary of his thoughts, and you have stopped us Apostates from doing something the JW's do , taking a quote out of context, as they have of course, a number of times, with this very quote .
living without blind spots is better.
BTT, if just for the great thread title !
top court weighs free speech vs. hate protectionby laura payton, cbc newsposted: oct 12, 2011 2:50 pm etlast updated: oct 12, 2011 10:08 pm et accessibility linksthe supreme court in ottawa began hearing a case wednesday that pits freedom of expression against laws banning hate speech.
(adrian wyld/canadian press)related story content.
relatedrelated linkswhen is it hate speech?
Get at it, you guys in Canada !
The harvest is ripe, but the workers (XJW's) are few !
This has got legs and is running in the U.K, it would be great if you can get the Courts in canada to look at the "Mentally diseased" article.
like many of you i am fading and am trying to stay the course rather than be dfed due to family ties.
but i so badly want to simply write a letter and be rid of this giant weight on my back lately.
just like a bandaid that is easier to just tear off, i guess.. .
Good on yer Ray !
i found this list below on another site.. you've no doubt seen these lists...or lists similar to them: they give you marked ways to identify a cult.. now, i'm sure many of us agree that these signs eerily match a certain watchtower-slangin' group we're all familiar with.. and im sure that what i'm about to bring up has probably been discussed here sometime before 'my' time.. but, look at these 'cult i.d.
symptoms' below...and let your mind go.
: let your mind freely wander.. who else do these signs apply to...if you think wider?
It does not pay for sure to call the WT/JW religion a cult to a believeing active Dub. You will get hung up on the meaning/usage of the word.
The word is not always used in a pejorative sense, as noted above. The main thing to focus attention on is the high control, especially the control of the mind.
That is simply evil, to imprison someones mind.
Having said that, I am looking forward to asking an old friend of mine from my old Congo. when I next see him :
"Are you still in the Governing Body worshipping cult ?" I will ask this of him because I believe it will make him think, it might also make him punch me of course.
me - jehovah?
who is jehovah?.
me - oh.. zac - are you happy with me dad for remembering jehovah.
This is just my opinion, but I have a feeling that a 3.5 year old will know if you are being open and honest or not. I know that from a similar age I was very aware that adults were keeping all sorts of information from me.
If he asked about something else you would give him your perspective on it, right or wrong, why not on this?
I think you are being more concerned about the feelings of believers than about your sons well being.
I would advise strongly that you do tell him about the wide opinions on what or who god is, and that there may not be a " God", a friend of mine , XJW, said to his daughter "You can bet, because there are so many opinions out there, that there is not an answer that can be proved"
I imagine she will trust his judgement on matters in the future for his candid and educative words, he did this despite risking the ire of his JW wife and family.
As he said to me," no one , not even me, has the right to indoctrinate my kids"
got my reply from the uk charities commission.
i'm not a happy bunny.
basically, they're saying that any crackpot organization can get charitable status as long as they're a religion.
I think that any move needs to be carefully done so that we don't lose credibility. As has been shown, plenty of bogus charities exist in the U.K and the commission has not the will, the teeth, or the resources to do a lot about it.
I suspect the lack of will is the chief thing.
I do believe that a sensible concerted campaign asking the Treasury to consider looking at this matter may work, they could avoid refunding millions in tax.
It would need to be aimed at all charities who do not really operate acording to the Charity Law. The problem is that one of the basic tests of Public benefit is if the charity concerned promotes the "advancement of religion" , JW's will not have much trouble convincing the Tax people of that.
What we would really need is legislation to define what "charity" really is, it may be an idea to try to get the British Humanist Association to speak up on this, they will not be in favour of religious charities whose sole charitable work is the promotion of their own religion.
Ill thought out, badly written, submissions that do not attack in a way that will work will only serve to establish the rights of the WT and others in this on an even firmer basis.
Cedars ? Comments ?