I wore a beard from 1975 till 1988, whilst serving as a MS and giving P/talks, even away ones.
Nobody said anything about it till they wanted to use me on a C.A , then I had to shave it off or not be used, as it was not any great shakes to me, I shaved it off, intending to grow it back sometime. I haven't been allowed to by my wife since the grey started coming through, she hates grey beards.
I just love Wontleaves reasoning on the matter, take note those of you still "in", his reasoning can be applied to a lot of the control, and can take their power away.
Especially it is good to call them on the old "stumbling" rubbish, are they honestly telling you that someone will give up being a JW because a guy wears abeard or a sis. wears slacks ??
If it is not enough of an issue to stop them being a JW, they are not "stumbled".