I have not read anything by him, I presume he is an active JWand an apologist for their point of view ????
Are his books worth reading ?
Can anybody tell us more before we waste our money ?
how do you feel about hal fleming?.
I have not read anything by him, I presume he is an active JWand an apologist for their point of view ????
Are his books worth reading ?
Can anybody tell us more before we waste our money ?
i go to visit my native homeland and was amazed.
the congregation i was in was filled with "holier than though papa is an elder" people and "my kids are pioneer' people.. none of them are witnesses any longer!.
one who was married chuffed a wordly girl disfellowhsipped and happy.. another who was a "skirt chaser" now chases 'trouser snakes".
What a laugh ! I have noticed over the years that people who really are prone to a particular sin are the ones who bang on about it ,get all self-righteous about it, answer up at the Meeting on the very subject.
Bro Homophobe= closet gay.
Bro Antiadultery= has hots for some sister
SisAa = has hots for some bro ......... and so on.
I would be interested to see the demographic in my old Congo (now two congos), I don't think too many scandals have happened, I would probably get wind of them, but then again maybe not, but I would like to see who is not attending anymore.
china has protested president obama's plan for increased usa military in northern australia this week.
i was just thinking, the usa is bankrupt and china has all the cash...not to mention 1 billion people!!!
if war broke out we would be totally screwed!
We would give them agood run for their money in a conventional war, the best thing to do though, would be to use Germ Warfare in the form of the Noodle Virus that would kill off all the noodle crop. Every noodle tree would shrivel.
i'll start the ball rolling.
dealing with kids in any type of judicial manner.
i would do everything i could to get parents to "deal with it-kindly" at home.
I was never an Elder so never had to deal with such stuff. One or two JW's confessed things to me that would normally have gone to the Elders and probably thence to a JC, but I counselled according to what the Bible says, and their secrets remain with me alone.
The question Glueman asks is relevant, what NT justification do they have for a JC ? "Reprove before all onlookers" comes to mind, but nothing about an In Camera inqusition.
it s well known that the wt forbidds transfusion of white cells, but i was shocked when i read on ajwrb that organs actually contains more white cells than blood, and that "a jw who accepts an organ transplant takes in more leukocytes than he would through a blood transfusion.".
even more shocking was that apparently "mothers milk contains 5-12 times more leukocytes than a corresponding amount of blood...this also applies to cow milk, which is used extensively as food and drink in all the world.
so every time a jw drinks milk, he receives more of the prohibited leukocytes than if he or she receives a blood transfusion!".
It would just be laughable doctrine from a silly little cult, but this rubbish kills people, it just isn't funny.
The whole silly doctrine has evolved in to total nonsense.
i mean door to door (sort of), not informally to non-witness friends and family!.
so for a few weeks, i have suspected that my neighbor across the hall was being studied with by witnesses.
i wasn't sure but saw a couple of older women leaving with what looked like bibles, but never saw watchtower literature.
Well done NR ! I too have un-witnessed or de-dubbed my neighbours, it is a good thing to do, they all said they were not aware of what a horrible little cult the JW's/WT is.
I would suggest you mention JWfacts.com, even if your neighbour does not have access to it , she can mention it to the Dubs ! and offer to print off articles from there on stuff that already worries her, she can then be forearmed to present her concerns to the Dubs when they call.
Oh boy,this is fun!
sorry it's been a while since i posted anything.
i've kind of had my hands full of late.
there are some things i want to say, but i am saving some of it for a more appropriate time.. i thought i would start a simple "ideas thread" as a thread on which we can, well, share our ideas!
I like the ideas coming up on here, and agree ceders, two PDF's, one for the public one for the JW's is a good idea.
I wonder too about simply doing one for the public that highlights their secret "Do not call" list, and the fact that all you have to do is tell them and you are on it, if this was blanket distributed it is likely to get a good number of people acting on it, if we simply put this info in amongst other stuff it could get missed.
We could even have the back of it printed with a notice that the JW'scould read if it was placed in a widow or porch etc something like.
"Jehovah's Witnesses ! Please ensure that we are entered on your "Do not Call" list, and please do not call again. JWfacts.com."
That way they don't have to answer the door, or even be in, to get on the list. If huge numbers do this the JW's will see it as persecution true, but it will add to their disquiet with the religion.
last night on pbs, there was a program about finding and persuing nazi's after wwii.
nazi's from croatia were given refuge in catholic seminaries and a priest then credited them.
with baptism and a new name.
It certainly is not apost from a sane person with a grasp of reality, Rutherford right about something ? Come on!
sorry it's been a while since i posted anything.
i've kind of had my hands full of late.
there are some things i want to say, but i am saving some of it for a more appropriate time.. i thought i would start a simple "ideas thread" as a thread on which we can, well, share our ideas!
Dear Ceders, You are a mover and a shaker, and I admire you immensely, and wish your efforts well.
Just a simple idea I would like to see come to fruition, is for a small tract to be produced that all of us could "place" anywhere that would alert the public and JW's alike.
I have seen a number of efforts at this, but all seem to get mired in the particular problems that the writer feels are so important, and then spends too much time explaining it all.
Worthy though these efforts are, they amount to "striking the air with your blows", the public do not read more than half a sentence before binning a tract, the JW's have an even shorter attention span.
This means that some genius who could earn a fortune working for an AD agency is needed to produce something that would get through to both groups.
Perhapsthe collective talent we have on here could step up to the plate, and produce something we could deliver to people's houses, leave in any public place, and even on JW's cars, whatever.
It would need to be an in easily downloadable and printable format, but I believe could be very powerfull.
there isn't one and that's a really good thing.
let me illustrate;.
you are an artist, you pick up a new canvas and place it on your easel.
The mind of the artist is not restricted by the borders of his canvass, he sees a picture much wider and taller and deeper than the "frame" he delivers to us.
Any rules he adheres to are only observed out of some necessity. He/She is free.
The atheist is free, his canvass is as wide as his vision, his observing of rules is his free choice.
The believer is not free, whatever creed he adheres to dictates his thoughts and actions, and usually is delivered to him by another man, so the believer is that man's slave.