OnTheWayOut: You are NOT a brother in good standing, you can't pull the wool over my eyes. A brother in good standing is active. So if you are indeed an active Witness, either you are conning the brothers and sisters or you're conning the people in here. You can't be in good standing and saying the things that you are. You forget, I can read everything that you've written on this site. There is nothing brave about being here, there is nothing written here that can be backed up to the degree that it would begin to affect me. For example, there is someone here who said that the society is a greedy organization who only sell literature to make a profit. The society haven't even been charging money for literature for well over a decade now. How can anyone take these views seriously. I know exactly what the WTS says on the subjects I brought up. The used to say the there will be no marriage for resurrected ones, but now they say it's an unanswered question. They say we MAY populate the universe but because the bible doesn't say so they can't say for certain either way. I have been "searching into the deeper things", clearly to deep for most of you. You say you have committed no sin according to the bible: are you sure? I suggest you do more research yourself. I tnink the society don't use the internet because it would be hijacked by apostates like in here. Jesus command was to "GO" and make disciples, in other words make an effort, take the initiative. What are you "going" and making disciples? Nothing I reckon.
Frequent fader miles: I have had this debate with elders before, and not had the reaction many of you say you've had. Maybe they are more relaxed here.
Voideater: You are so right, the society and the bible do not have a position on populating the universe. But I think very long term and can't envision earth being all there is for us. The reason I asked was in the hope of another Witness having a view, being able to reason on it by the bible, WTS publications or just logic. I have done lots and lots of research on the subject, both from the society and my years of studying astronomy, so I wondered if any other Witness had anything I hadn't seen or heard before.
Inkling: There is absolutely nothing here at all that could "trip" me and "shatter" my beliefs. People here have said that I would be surprised at how much they know but as yet haven't said anything that demonstrates that.
still_in74: Thank you for your post. I understand that alot of people have been hurt and believe it or not I do have a great deal of sympathy for the genuine ones. Sadly it has become very evident that a lot here are jumping on the bandwagon and have a hidden agenda. That is the reason I have stayed around, to defend the society in my own small way against the unjustified attacks that have been going on.
I have actually found a proper (though not official) JW site, and I can have a serious, sensible discussion there so this will be my last post. I may send a private message to you mr majestic, I found you a good person to discuss things with.
After Jesus gave the command to "go" and "make disciples", he said he would be with them "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things" Matthew 28:18-20. So, who is preaching the "good news of the kingdom...in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations"? Matthew 24:14. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES!
And soon the end will come!
I will leave you all to get on with your forum.