Hi gopher! Thanks for your reply. I think "what on the way out" needs to do is some more research. The society say that those being under the protection of Jehovah will survive is true, but to say that God will automatically destroy those who have not had the oppotunity to know him is just completely wrong! The wicked in the bible are called wicked because they have REJECTED Jehovah. You can only reject him if they have had the chance to know him. "On The Way Out" may say he's a Witness but I don't believe him, I've been in the truth 30 years and know that God will give everyone the chance to know him, before or after Armageddon.His lack of knowledge is very evident here, he can't be an active Witness.
I think the elder taking your bookstudy was giving his own opinion about perfect people having self control. Adam and Eve obviously didn't have self control, or else they would have easily rejected Satan's lies in the Garden of Eden and wouldn't have disobeyed God. The reason I asked the original question was that the society are saying that resurrected ones will not marry, single survivors can marry (Aw 6/15 82 p15, pp20, Wt 1967 p.506, Wt 1965 p.657, Wt 1963 p627 among others) and as I mentioned in the "prince of Peace" book, earth may not be all there is.
When I was young, I was very interested in astronomy. I know there are 100 billion stars in this galaxy and over 200 billion galaxies, so there is no way that I can believe that Jehovah is going to limit life to just this tiny speck we call earth.
And as I mentioned in the original entry, there is not enough on earth to satisfy mankind forever. People seem to think that if it's not in the bible then it mustn't happen.
Mrsjones, if you have a long history in the truth then surely you would know of any changes the society have made. You should also know that the society have never said that we will all be "barbie and kens" so to speak. I'd be interested to know where you got that from.
As I said, thank you gopher, you seem to be very sensible (rare in here!). I think a lot of the problem is that people can't get their mind around the concept of eternity. They think have trouble seeing very long term and what will happen in a few hundred thousand years. We as Witnesses should be able to imagine it better.