"this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes." (Matt. 13:15)
no, it just didn't make any sense. Mainly because i think your fundamental premise is wrong. That being that you seem to be saying that Adam and Eve were doomed to eat from the tree that God told them not to. As if they had no freedom to choose not to eat...as if they were created without freedom.
you threw too many terms around like good, and evil ,and freedom, and love without any real definition of what they mean. That made it confusing to me too. They are big words that probably need a little more defining.
And you drew a real long bow when you tried to tell us God didn't punish adam and eve.
As far as me being calloused...guess that would make me a bible basher huh! And we all know dem kinda people who dont believe cannot possibly be good people. Of course I know thats baloney!
seriously, i wouldn't have written anything in reply like i did above, because usually the stuff you write makes sense...is sort of logical. Even though I feel you make alot of assumptions in your arguments you still make logical sense....but dude, this above stuff really spaced me out. After I read it i didn't know up from down, felt like i just read one of biblemans posts.