before becoming a witness, I was a pretty " walk the straight line" type of kid.
When my parents became witnesses the pressure to fit into their mold and hang out with all witness kids was quite
a pressure to deal with.
So as a jr. high student I aligned with the mentality of hanging out with so called spiritual friends VS people from the world, ( that I have known most of my life) that were deemed bad association.
Well, I quickly learned how much fun being a witness was,,,, smoking cigarettes, pot, drinking heavily, lying, going out with worldly girls. And then going to meetings, and fs acting like I was a young missionary,, It was a mind-blowing time of life for me. Looking back, I should have dropped those fake friends and ran away from this religion as fast as I could. But I was torn, being true to who I was at the time or having a lot of worldly fun in secret was a powerful drug for me. what an idiot I was.