it could be used as a touchstone, helping a person to focus on the spiritual side of life during the day.
JoinedPosts by lancelink
I don't get it - Praying before eating while ...
by menrov ini noticed recently.
there was an item in the news on some terrible / horrific child pornography in germany.
really disgusting to hear what these people were doing with children as young as a few months.
Dress and Grooming
by Anna Marina inthings are reaching a new high with jw fashion.. a jw orgie facemask.
a witness without a word.
What’s Up With All These “Racists” Facebook Videos??
by minimus inwhen i go to facebook, they now have tons of vids showing crazy sounding racists men and women of all ages railing against blacks and other minorities.
is this for real?
this is a site dealing with the jw/watchtower organization, why in the world are you posting this crap ?
people come here to learn, and gain support not listen to political rants.
Go visit facebook, there are plenty of fertile sites over there that just love people ranting about these type of things.
growing up as a witness, does this look familiar ?
The mormon church(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
by asp59 inanyone here thats a former mormon?
a person in the internet wrote abouth them.
that community could not be more impressive in its cohesion, sincerity, benevolence, decency, patriotism, and faith.. i seen mormons go from house to house before the convid virus.they always seem cheerful.
my wife was a jw, and left the cult then "changed horses in midstream" becaming a mormon.
It is a carbon copy of the jw lifestyle, but the people have much more education.
JW's and the National Anthem/Flag
by Anony Mous inone thing we were always taught in the past is how we should sit down and pray (kneel) to jehoober whenever we were at an event where they played the national anthem.
we had to actively disrespect the flag and anthem and be no part of the world, because we were our own country with jesus as king.. given kneeling/sitting for the national anthem is now the favorite pastime of the far-left and if you do so, you get associated with democrats, how do jehovah's witnesses now 'become no part of this world' when they have to disrespect the flag?.
I graduated HS in 79, and an elders son was sitting right next to me during the ceremony.We had a meeting with his dad a couple of days before, and he instructed us not to get involved in any way with the flag anthem.
So,,, everyone was standing at the beginning of the graduation, and the anthem started.
Out of 700 kids we were the only two who sat down when the music played, talk about feeling like a total moron.
Embarrassing to me as a teenager how the jw mindset just short circuits, and overpowers any natural social actions.
escaping a cult
by lancelink invery interesting article about a girl who leaves her suffocating, constricting religion and how she dealt with the after-effects:.
Very interesting article about a girl who leaves her suffocating, constricting religion and how she dealt with the after-effects:
Do Jw's Dress up in meeting clothes for Zoom meetings?
by jeremiah18:5-10 ini am just curious if anyone knows whether the "friends" still are required to wear "meeting clothes" for attending meetings through zoom?
such emphasis on dressing in a godly manner over the decades, would be interesting if some attend in pajamas or their work clothes, no makeup, etc....
"So no drinks or snacks during the zooming. I guess Jehovah doesn't approve of coffee"?
The Mormons do that.
Dutch judge rules that elders are not entitled to hide behind clergy-penitent privilege
by Anders Andersen intoday a dutch judge ruled that jw elders and the jw branch cannot invoke clergy-penitent privilege when it comes to information used in a judicial committee.. jw had filed a complaint with the courts because the branch office, two kingdom halls and a few elders' homes were raided by police almost 2 years ago in search of evidence related to child abuse issues.. jw argued that the information that was taken by police is protected by clergy-penitent privilege.
today the judge ruled that 1) an organization doesn't haven't such a privilege, 2) jw elders don't always act as spiritual counselors.
their actions as judges in judicial committees aren't protected by privilege, and 3) conversations jw have with their elders are often not confidential at all (as per jw policy) so jw elders can't rightfully invoke clergy-penitent privilege to maintain absolute confidentiality, because there isn't absolute confidentiality in the first place.. jw are thinking about appealing the verdict..
Wonderful comment Half Banana, I totally stand with you on this ! Thank you.
have you heard anything ?
by lancelink ini was a witness from grade school ( 1976) until 2007. i seem to remember an important aspect that was always talked about at the hall as being a fact.they would say that "the rocks themselves would cry out" if the public preaching work was to stop,,,,, all i've seen and heard these past few months are the witnesses complaining about the witnessing work coming to a halt.but i've not heard one rock crying .. .
I was a witness from grade school ( 1976) until 2007. I seem to remember an important aspect that was ALWAYS talked about at the hall as being a fact.They would say that "the rocks themselves would cry out" if the public preaching work was to stop,,,,, all I've seen and heard these past few months are the witnesses complaining about the witnessing work coming to a halt.But I've not heard one rock crying .