Many times the reaction time depends on the relationship that the local Congregations, “Hospital Liaison Committee” has with the Doctors at the Hospital. The job of these Elders is to educate inform, and maintain a relationship with hospital staff so that when an emergency develops, the staff will know what the whishes of JW’s are and respond accordingly.
However, most of the Elders on this committee are too busy to do this job right! Others are too ignorant to communicate effectively with Physicians. Further, most Elders have little respect for any one with a higher education. All these factors tolled, most JW’s are on there own at the Hospital when it come to the battle of blood!
Many cringe at this idea hear at Patterson, but if you are serious about refusing a blood transfusion, you should keep a current letter on file with your Doctor, and your local hospital. The utopia is that the Elders are all you need for a defense, but ask yourself, Would you trust these guys with your conscience?