Hi BloominMarvellous,
Congratulations on your escape from the mind control and for having the courage to reclaim your independant spirit and the intelligence to reassert your critical thinking powers!
As one of your worldly friends who has known and respected you since you were a small child, I was dismayed at the beginning of last year to see how your normally strong and feisty personality was being repressed and forced to conform and your endearingly rebellious attitude was being sucked out of you.
I came to this forum to learn what you were getting in to, and the more I read, the more I became concerned. I hoped you would see the truth about the Truth before you got too indoctrinated by the Watchtower and thankfully my dreams have now come true.
As a potential convert, you were initially showered with love and attention by the JWs. Being a young person you were a prize catch, a jewel in the congregation. But what I had been told by members of this board would happen, eventually proved completely accurate. As soon as you took one independant step over the line and disobeyed the JWs' impossibly strict regulations, they withdrew the love, and showed their true tyrannical colours.
(Seriously, I could not believe they said that skirt was too short, it was literally knee-length, and worn with thick black tights, so no flesh showing!)
It's ironic that your study conductor is now angry that the two years of effort she put into teaching you and training you to behave they way the WTS dictates have come to nothing, but she cannot see that she personally has been responsible for driving you away by her cold, hurtful, over-controlling and judgemental attitudes. She claimed her friendship was not conditional on you believing what she does, but that claim has been proved completely false.
The JWs now condemn you for pulling away from Jehovah, but you can now see that all you have done is to pull away from the mind-controlling WTS organisation, not from God.
And I gather they blame me for personally causing you to sin, oh well I'll take the blame for that and the faults of everyone on this forum if you like, it's no skin off my nose, but as you know, all I did was to be a friend when you needed someone to talk to. The JWs were not prepared to listen to you without judging, so who were you supposed to talk to when you were so severely stressed and depressed? If they didn't want you to turn to worldly friends, they should have been there for you and demonstrated the Christian love they claim to have, instead of making you feel guilty and miserable, punishing you and pushing you away when you felt so bad.
You couldn't sleep or eat, you were throwing up, you had stomach pains, you couldn't go to work or function normally because of what they call 'loving' discipline. They didn't care how you felt, they just followed the rules. Made me so angry. But now the contrast is amazing, you are free to be you, laughing, joking, being positive about the future, walking with a bounce in your step and looking great.
I would like to thank all the posters here who have either directly or indirectly helped me understand the JW world, it's been like learning from scratch about a previously unknown tribe, whose shocking and bizarre culture is so alien to my life, that I could sometimes hardly believe it is called a religion. During the past year, as I learned, I initially experienced a degree of incredulity, followed by amazement, and it has been an interesting if sad experience to now see with my own eyes in the life of my friend, some cruel aspects of the way the cult operates.
This cloud has some silver linings for me though as I have unexpectedly made good friends with a few people who post here, even though I have never been in any way previously involved with JWs. And I have met a few people in person which was brilliant. Meeting Hope4others, I was quite in awe, like meeting a celebrity! But there is also another poster I have met who deserves a very special mention.
Funny how life goes. Neither BloominMarvellous or Mouthy had any idea that they would be instrumental in sparking a good frienship between two very unlikely people. I would never have come here but for BloominMarvellous and it was on a thread about cockney accents started by Mouthy that I "met" the infamous Mr Majestic. I initially decided he was an arrogant show off, albeit clever, witty and funny. But as others of you who have met him will have discovered, Mr M. is a much nicer and deeper person in real life, a really kind, generous, perceptive and empathetic person (even if his laugh is too loud!). He has become a firm and life-long friend who has taught me so much for which I can't thank him enough.
And now he is friends with BloominMarvellous too and has helped her see what the bible really says about some of the WTS teachings and has been able to support her in ways I could never have managed as I do not have the experience.
So now we're all looking forward to the belated 21st birthday celebrations in a couple of weeks.......... thanks for the invite BloominMarvellous, it's going to be loads of fun, cant wait! (Mr Maj. says you can wear your skirt as short as you like!!!!)
And here's to a bright and happy future of your own choosing.
Love Heather