Ho ho, what a suprise.
Not one ID or Creation supporter going anywhere near dolphins with vestigial rear limbs.
Ignoring contrary evidence is essential to maintaining those opinions.
So they don't even try.
Likewise, Madagascar, New Zealand and Australia are very stong 'testiments' to evolutionary theory.
So Creationists and ID'ers don't want to talk about them, do they?
Instead, it's all about 'slick gamesmanship', making what play they can with the amount of 'theoretical slack' that modern evolutionary thoery has without ever conceeding that none of this 'slack' actually falsifies the theory.
At the same time they ignore the much larger levels of 'hypothetical slack' their own incomplete belief systems have.
Auld Soul
With Rapidly Declining Respect,
Oh please. Your 'Respecfully' is nothing more than a conceit. You have already reacted to statements not even directed to you in a defensive fashion and not apologised for your error. Don't pretend to have respect you don't show, it's disingenuous.
Now, will you give a clear example of what would prove speciation to you?
Or is the idea of setting clear goal posts unattractive to you?
Because if you set them and it's proved you have to change your opinion, or if you set unreasonable ones that could not be expected to be proved due to the evidential and chronological constraints of the theory your unreasonable level of required proof could be exemplified?
Wadoma tribe has a high percentage of an aberrant 7th chromosome causing an apparent "ostrich" foot, yet they are human. Will their spotty fossil remains be pegged as a different species by later intelligent lifeforms perusing the remains of our planet?
No, because there's a difference between structural abnormality and speciation, and any alien species would be able to discern the difference between the two, as indeed can we.
Early images of H. neanderthalis were based on a diseased specimen. We now know the stooped ape-man image was inaccurate as we can tell the difference between normative H. neanderthalis and diseased ones.
Kung Bushmen (with an average height of just four feet, ten inches) in Africa inhabit the same continent with extremely tall Maasai. Surely these were different species, right?
We can already show from fossil remains that pygmatism is an environmental adaptation (as is gigantism) and does not necessarily indicate a speciation event (e.g. Shire Horses and Fabella's as an unnatural selection example, although that particular example would in the wild result in unstoppable gene drift between the two population as copulation is impossible without human assitence. Same is true with Toy Dogs and very large breeds). Any genetic analysis of remains would confirm this.
H. neanderthalis and H. sapiens were both human too. They may well have interbred. But at SOME point in the line of decent the genetic drift would mean a g x the power of n grand sire would be infertile when crossed with it's descendents.
The scientific names are just place holders of note, not the start of new chapters.
As much as you try and make out speciation to be a black/white transition, no contemporary evolutionist would ever say anything so obviously wrong and unsupported by the evidence. This does not mean that speciation does not extend to the point where interbreeding is no longer possible or that it does not result in 'macroevoution'.
Slick gamesmanship - and not very clever slick gamesmanship at that - will not answer the questions you have been asked that you avoid that show how inadequate your own hypotheses are.
Stop making ridiculous examples. You still haven't conceded using an example of a 'separate gene pools breeding event' to compare to a 'same gene pool breeding event' was a bad example, but then not conceding your errors is just part of 'ID' (or whatever you'd be happy with as a descriptor) apologist technique, no matter how many 'Respectfully's you tag your posts with.
I thought atheist evolutionists were for random events, given enough time of course
Perry, don't do this. The only persons who find this impressive are those who know as much or less about evolution than you.
For a start, it's not a question of being FOR random events. They just ARE, whether you are for them or not. I'm not FOR bad weather. It still HAPPENS.
For a second thing, you are just waving around tired old 'Creationist/ID misleading gambit #1', which is making it sound like evolution is a random process. It isn't. It might 'use' variation generated randomly as part of a process of natural selection, but that process is mind-buggeringly NON-random. The whole point of natural selection is that it is non-random.
Oh, and are theistic evolutionists somehow different?
Here’s an example of the ludicrous attitude of IDers and Creationists shifted into a different area of science. Hopefully it will show why people supporting such scientifically bankrupt hypotheses as ID and Creationism get the reaction they do from proper scientists;
“Me, I think Continental Drift is a lie and a conspiracy. I've spent many long hours observing continents and I have never seen them move. Yes, I know they can prove that there is SOME movement between continents on a measurable basis, but that would never be enough to smash India into Asia and create the Himalayas. I know they can also show supposed ‘fault lines’ between ‘continental plates’, but I remain unconvinced that these can ever separate to the extent that these misguided scientists say they do.
Likewise the 'flips' of magnetic poles that are meant to happen every now and then are just rubbish. No one can properly explain why they happen and even thought the evidence for this ties in with the evidence for continental drift I think this might be coincidental. Just as the shape of the East coast of South America, the West coat of Africa, and the similarity of the geology on these coastlines is coincidental.
There is a massive conspiracy to suppress the opinions of any scientist who does not fall in line with the modern theory of contintal drift. There is no way that the continents could be the shape they are unless they were designed that way by some external agency, but I am afraid I have no proof of the existence of this external agency other than my say-so, and no theory of how it happened other than my assertion.”