JoinedTopics Started by inrainbows
My wife wants the stepson to 'study'....any ideas??
by insearchoftruth inas if i did not have enough stress in my life right now.....we have a son who has finally come clean on some of the things he has done in the past, and these things were pretty bad.
my wife (who many of you probably feel you know from earlier posts) has been acting very interested in the jws and now with the son's admittance of his transgressions, she has decided that it is time for him to 'meet his maker', so she has told him that the two of them will be studying the 'bible' together.
she has talked to the sister she has studied with about this and she is more than willing to help by providing literature to guide the studies, i am guessing the 'young people ask' books.
Global Warming lie -don't be brainwashed 2008 Australia's Coldest winter???
by Witness 007 inthat's right folks the world is in for global'll be dog paddling to work in ten years however.....remember the graph in "that" documentary showing temps.
well not this year temps.
are going down with melbourne australia {and many other countries} recording the "coldest winter in ten years.".
I cannot "unprove" every single wild-side 911 theory...
by james_woods inhere is what i received this morning from an enthusiast.... james-woods, do you remember leoleoia (wrong spelling) whom you supported vehemently on this subject?
i've been waiting for her comments, and, still waiting.
as for you, you've taken the course of least resistance, you decided to ignore me and not address the issue.
Proof, proof, gimme some proof!!!
by Slappy inatheists clamor for proof of godas existence.
give us hard, physical proof they say, and then weall believe.
if evolution truly happened, how did that one apersona that evolved from monkeys learn to speak and write?
9/11 Truth: Was Extra Equipment Attached To Flight 175?
by What-A-Coincidence in
Britain Olympics shock
by slimboyfat inhow did britain get to be third on the medals table?
that was a bit unexpected.
and beating the australians as well - they won't be pleased about that.
Why Evolution Should Be Taught
by hamilcarr inwhy evolutionary biology is a crucial part of the curriculum .... .
optimism in evolution.
by olivia judsonlondon.
How do you feel now? EVOLUTION OR CREATION??
by chuckyy inas jws we were no doubt staunch creationists.
but how do you feel now??
do you still opt for creation or do you now feel evolution offers the right answer.
Why Is Drug Use So Rampant In The US?
by hamilcarr ina recent study published in plos medicine investigated drug use throughout the world.
this study presents novel data on the epidemiology drug use from representative, cross-national samples representing all regions of the world.
clear differences in drug use existed across the regions of the world, with the us estimated to have among the highest levels of both legal and illegal drug use among all countries surveyed.
by Gill ini was surprised to find that charles taze russell, of the russell family line (of course) was reportedly part of the setting up of the skull and bones society.. i have read many refutes that ct was a 33 degree mason but, let's leave that as a possibility along with his 13 bloodlines of the illuminati link and consider this scenario as a possible and worrying possible conspiracy theory.. fritz springmeier and some others (again all holding suspension of our disbelief in control here for a few moments, please), commented on the setting up of internement style camps around the united states and some pictures and sites are to be found on the net.. now, there are various 'christian groups' all anticipating the 'time of the end'.
the jehovah's witnesses, for example are expecting to be persecuted and then 'saved' by god.
they anticipate 'the end' at any time.