JoinedTopics Started by jonie
I need some friends
by jonie ini have such a difficult time living a double life, i dont hate going to meetings and seeing the friends i just know it is not real and i dont like being there.
but since i can not get my husband (who is also inactive) to just leave for good we go back from time to time.. my older son really hates it all his friends from the hall are either in jail or in a gang it was difficult to keep him in the truth because of seeing so many of his friends doing badly.
i finally allowed him to just have worldly friends and he is fine, in fact some of the jws would ask if their children could come over and spend time with my son and we were not even active.. i know i can never go back to the jws, i realize it is false but i also know that we all need to keep praying to god and i believe that god is jehovah, some people just need to do it in a building and need to belong to a place where people treat them like they are some body.
Sex and JWs I want to know what you think "he played the God Card"
by jonie ini was a jw but left about 8 years ago, my husband wanted to go back so we have tried, i did not do so good.
being gone so long just helped me realize this is totally false, i look at the jws as lambs being lead to their deaths.. fast forward to now, we are both in our 40s and i have had medical side effects from using birth control and other meds as birth control.
my body can not take anymore, i have suffered breast cyst and uterus cyst, so i asked my husband who has an issue with using condoms because he does not reach a climax, and has to masturbate, to use something that would offer us a permanent result such as him getting a vasectomy.. his reaction is like why i feel even more strongly that jws are wrong.