Hmm, maybe not. Maybe they just wave their arms around in time with whatever is being said by who they're portraying. Maybe they don't have to move their mouths at all.
JoinedPosts by spanteach
How many of you were in Dramas at the D.C. ?
by drewcoul indo you remember what the drama was?
what role did you play?
what is preparation like?
How many of you were in Dramas at the D.C. ?
by drewcoul indo you remember what the drama was?
what role did you play?
what is preparation like?
I desperately wanted to be in a drama when I was growing up. Once I got older, I was very good at making my five-minute talks very realistic and actor-y. But I was never a "teacher's pet" so I was never in a drama. That's okay, though. Since I left 6 years ago, I've been on stage in community theatre productions, didn't have to lip sync, and got to sing and dance. You can have your Bible dramas...I have Hairspray.
"Noooooo!" George Lucas alters Star Wars yet again...
by unshackled inmany bothans died to bring us this information.... the star wars films are about to be released on blu-ray.
and yet again george couldn't leave them alone.
for those who hated the "noooooo!
Forgive me, I'm about to completely dork out and show my nerdy nature....
I get why Lucas felt the need to make that change to Return of the Jedi. At least it would show some continuity with Vader's feelings and now he wasn't about to let the Emperor rob him of another family member. But I remember trying to desperately keep from laughing when I saw Revenge of the Sith and he yelled "noooooooooo." Really, Vader? Really??? You're about to become the 2nd biggest bad-ass in the Empire and that's all ya got?
Elder School 2012 Letter
by Anony Mous inhere is a (transcribed) letter that all elders received regarding the elder school of 2012. the emphasis is not mine.. this letter is your invitation to attend the school for congregation elders at the location and dates shown below:.
please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this invitation by completing and returning the enclosed confirmation form to the school for congregation elders desk using the enclosed pre-addressed envelope.
this should be returned no more than two weeks after receipt of this letter.
Interesting. The Bible is nowhere on the list of things they need to read before they attand the class. Policy, policy, policy.
Any Mad Men fans?
by Pandoras cat11 ini can't believe that it took me this long to finally watch this show.
what a well written program and the actors are great.
um---jon hamm is something else!!!
I just finished my Mad Men marathon a week ago. I have a love/hate relationship with Don Draper. When he closes the deal on a difficult account, I'm cheering him on. But when he's having one fling after another and then lying to his wife about it, I want to key his car and cut up all his neck-ties.
Watchtower: "Google is like a mushroom picker"
by cedars inif you don't mind i'll share another gem from my review of the latest watchtower study editions (july to october '11).. one article which seemed riddled with flawed reasoning and bizarre analogies was entitled "the internet - making wise use of a global tool" on page 3 of the august 15th watchtower.. under the heading "information - reliable or false?
"never assume that all information found on the internet is good and beneficial.
internet search engines might be compared to a legion of mushroom pickers who tirelessly collect all types of mushrooms - edible as well as poisonous - throwing them into a single container and dishing them out for us to eat.".
Who are they kidding with this?? "Internet Eve" sounds like the day before a really fun holiday where you get to sleep in the next day. Let's break out the tunes, the drinks, then tinsel and have a good time! Happy Internet Eve, everybody!
As a JW Kid Were You Expected To Get Baptised By Your Parents/ Congregation
by Hairyhegoat inhere is a quote from a ex-jw about this subject, i myself had alot of pressure from my family to get baptised and finally gave in at 14, wish i had left them a present on the way out of the pool that the dudley assembley hall .
i can't justify my entire family (parents, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandma) and friends shunning me because i chose not to uphold a dedication i made at twelve years old.
sure it was my "choice" to get baptized.
It’s so hypocritical that a JW youth is not even allowed to date because they’re not ready for the commitment of marriage which is the ONLY reason to date. Yet, they are expected to devote their lives to God in their early teens or earlier.
I was on a D.C. part age 3, gave my first talk at age 5 before I’d started school and was conducting a study at recess with a girl I went to school with when I was 10. That being the case, I think my parents’ spiritual expectations for me were always amplified. My dad was an elder when I was in my teens. I wonder if he was getting pressure from the other elders which made him, in turn, pressure me about getting baptized. I remember being about 12 years old and he pointed out two other young “sisters” in the cong who’d recently been baptized. He said “you know more about the truth than they do; why aren’t you baptized yet?” (Like it’s a contest) Both girls came from families with either an absentee father or an unbelieving father; so maybe my dad thought that I was spiritually superior since I had two parents who were Witnesses. However, once I was older, I didn’t feel like baptism was truly my choice. I later noticed that my 3 siblings and I were all about 14 years old when we were baptized. NONE of us are Witnesses now. Very telling.
How do you make a living?
by paulnotsaul insince most of us believed it was right around the corner, how many of you went to any secondary schools or training?
what do you do now to survive?
are you working or unemployed?
When the Borg lightened up on the view of education in the 1990s, I went to college and eventually majored in Spanish. I taught high school Spanish for three years. Now I'm getting my M.Ed and I'm teaching ESL at the university I attend.
The J Dub Culture of Skirt-Wearing
by mummatron inthis is something that has always bothered me.
as a born-in jw i was raised as a little girl wearing skirts and dresses which is clearly quite normal in terms of gender-appropriate clothing.
however, the older i grew, the more i realised that all jw women and girls wore skirts to meetings and when out in fs, but would wear trousers in their everyday life.
I left in 2005 and it was about 3 or 4 years before I would even consider wearing a skirt since as JWs we were obligated to wear them a minimum of three times a week . But now I have a few cute dresses and skirts in my wardrobe that I wear when I want to, not because someone said I must. Usually, though, I'm much happier in pants.
Jw upbringing and retarded social growth.
by AK - Jeff ini was raised a jw, by an inactive jw mom.
looking back, and reflection on my childhood, causes me to wonder.. i honestly did not miss the holidays, for example.
i never had them, so nothing was taken away in that regard.
I never personally had an issue with not celebrating holiday, not saluting the flag, etc. because I believed what we were taught and like a good little Witness, I preached about it to other kids, including having a recess Bible study with a classmate when I was 9 . I even think that I would not have had a problem with refraining from worldly associations if my father had also not cut me off from youths within the congregation that he deemed to be bad associations.
We seemed to move a lot when I was a kid. We were within the territory of the same congregation for 10 years, but I attended five different schools in that time span. Looking back now, it helped me to adjust very easily to new situations. And like undercover mentioned, I too, from a very early age, learned ways of amusing myself. To this day, I prefer my own company to anyone else's (okay, that part sounded weird lol). I travel alone all the time and have no problem with it.
But when I was in my next-to-last year of high school, we were going to move again. I didn't want to, explaining to my parents that I wanted to graduate from the high school I was currently attending. My father's response to that was "why do you care? They're worldly, you have nothing in common with them." I therefore have no emotional connection with any of my school memories. I had NO joy in attending school because school was all I did. I was not allowed to make lasting friendships with "the world" and was not allowed to get involved in any of the extracurricular activities because that would have meant spending unnecessary time with worldly people. School, home, meetings was my life. I'm amazed I stayed in for as long as I did, having only left three years ago. Again, I think I would have been okay with all of it if I hadn't had ALL "bad association" taken, namely anyone that my father didn't approve of.
I've really tried not to be bitter about this because I feel that my parents were only doing the best job they knew how to do based on the Society's guidelines. Their own (worldly) parents were not model parents either, so they really had no good examples to follow. Though I said I try not to be bitter, I still feel angry about the way I was raised when I really sit and think about it. I wish my parents, especially my father, had had the tenacity to say to themselves "WE will decide how our family is raised." But because they believe that this is God's organization, what they say goes.