I really don't want to offend anyone. Often I read through these evolution/creation debate threads, start to make a comment, then delete it and move on to another thread.
I do this because it seems like every few days this comes up, and there is no way to convince either side that they are wrong.
Back and forth it goes, like a game of Tennis. Or Ping-Pong. Or Badminton.
It seems like the creationists out there accept varrying degrees or aspects of evolution. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's adaptation, maybe it's "microevolution", maybe it's the decent of man. Guys like Michael Behe stop just short and say there is a point of irreducible complexity that could not have evolved.
Again, I DO NOT want to offend anyone, but it is almost like the level of acceptance of evolution is proportionate to the amount of scientific education/awareness that the person has, or has allowed themselves to have.
Does that stem from a sort of intellectual arrogance?... "If I don't understand it, or if I cannot explain it, God must have done it..." Maybe.
But that's the problem that the scientific community should combat. If we stop and say: "God did it... that's the explanation." Then scientific progress stops. Why keep investigating if you accept that "God did it" or "It's magic"? There is nothing to test. Nothing more to prove.
In my opinion, the more we understand, the less we have to rely on the "God did it" explanation.