Timing of these events is one question but not the only question.
comparing the premature exspectations to the apsostles is a
reach to say the least. Using this as an excuss for clear statements
from the bible about speaking in Gods name with out permission,is dangerous.
No one has a problem about speculating on things, i do it all the
time, But those who demand such power in the name of God
cross the line time and time again.What does the bible say
about how we would Know if it is from God. Does God allow
his chosen people to mislead his own nation?Why did jesus
rebuke the pharasees, not becuase they didnt know law, but
they were so wraped up into themselves, and when the real truth
came they didnt hear it, becuase thay thought they already
HAD it! If you feel you already have it, fine. Beware for a
fairly agressive additute adjustment.