Must have post at the same time,
Good post Mr. biggs!
what the hell is up with the inglewood cops?
i hope the cop that threw the punch not only gets fired but has criminal charges brought against him.
what makes it worse is those dumb-asses are going to make it harder for the good cops (that make up 90% of the police force) to do their job, because everyone is going to assume all cops are like those creeps.
Must have post at the same time,
Good post Mr. biggs!
what the hell is up with the inglewood cops?
i hope the cop that threw the punch not only gets fired but has criminal charges brought against him.
what makes it worse is those dumb-asses are going to make it harder for the good cops (that make up 90% of the police force) to do their job, because everyone is going to assume all cops are like those creeps.
susan and wendy,
You are way off base. Even if this kid punch, kicked , yelled
whatever before the tape ran is errevilent.At the point in the tape the
kid is a rag doll and HANDCUFFED! No one is jumping to conclusions.
If we are, so is the mayor of that town who said these cops should and
will be fired and charged with criminal assault. Cops do need to use
force at times, but once a person is handcuffed, (which is the intent to use
force) there is NO reason to beat the shit out of anyone , including a 100
pound kid! quit apoligizing for bad cops.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
" Some evidence would be a good start"
Have you looked in the mirror lately?Is that not evidence?!
What if God did show himself stood up said 'I am God, and this
is how I want it' Would man in general say 'Thank you God,
now I know how to serve you the right way', Would man serve God
out of love or fear? Would we really have freewill?Not really.
I think man would feal like 'pet', fearful of every step thay take.
I know I cant tell you anything you havent heard, and I am just
'a babe' when it comes to this 'free thinking' thing, I have a
lot to learn.Thanks for the links I will check them out.
Jan, Last thing is there any answer through evelution for the Body healing it self?
I do think there is a posibility of creation through evelution.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
To all skeptics/ athiests,
what would need to happen for you to believe in God?
I liken this debate to one I have with my wife when I ask her,
what would need to happen for you not to believe the wts?I show
her scores of information and she goes so, so and so what!That s
fine shes intitled to her beliefs.Proof to me isnt proof to my wife,and
the same can be said for this debate.Peoplee who are skeptics
question everything,which is good, these are the people that keep
people on there toes, continue to think about issues.especially in
debates on religion or God.On the other hand I dont need
someone to break down the scientific formula of oxygen, the
formula we know that make up oxygen is the proof it exists,
the EFFECTS from it are. The debate goes on......
mmmmmmmm.......... tastes like chicken.
i have a question for everybody.
it has probably been asked before, but i'll ask it again in case anyone changed their minds.... why do/don't you believe in god/god.
what give you faith in things not beheld/makes you not believe?.
I do agree with you it is absurd to say religious poeple are better
people than athiest, whos to say.But it is easier to point a finger
at a religion or group ,such as the scandals that have become
national news in christian churches.The fact of the matter is
about 30% of the world go to church in the first place, that leaves
70% that dont.Some if not most still claim some sort of affiliation
with a particular religion. It is impossible to count stats of unorginized
groups such as athiests.As far as the stats of prisoners and there
beliefs, theses are impossible to count on, how many find 'GOD'
after being put in prison?Many prisoners had no conscience or
god played know part of there lives for the most part, all of a
sudden in jail they have a change in heart, whatever.Like the saying goes,
"there are no athiests in fox holes."
Maybe a better stat would be how many were regular attenders to a
particular church when incrarcerated.
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
The Big Bang?
this is hard for me to beleive, how does an exsposion create
something? No one exsplodes something to create but to
distroy.Nothing in life has come about this way. Is there any
other examples were we exsplain something coming about
this way?
there is an evolution question bubbling up down the threads a little way, and it minded me to try to really get to the nub of the opposition to the technique.. i would like to pose very serious questions, and i hope they attracts serious, considered responses - once and for all.. why is it impossible, in the minds of anti-evolutionists, that god did indeed create us, the earth, the sun, and everything around us including the entire physical universe, and that evolution was his technique; evolution as a divine technique?
how do you know, how are you so certain that's not the case?
how would you explain your opposition to god if he told you personally that, yep, that's the way he did it alright?.
I personally see both sides of the issue One must have faith to believe in a
higher power, this is undeniable. But I feel evalutionists or athiest also
have to have 'faith' in there own thery of life as well. I have many questions
with little answers.One thing about evelution I have a hard time with is,
it makes sense to me that things would follow the course of least resistance
in the evelutionary chain, why wouldnt they? If that is true why do humans
heal them selves?All living creatures heal themselves, why?When the body
heals it self it fights against the 'path of least resistance', what gives a
living creature this power?I do tend to agree with you for the most part,
there are forms of evelution or mybe 'adapting' to our invirement, but,
I also beleive there is a higher power behind all this.
mr. bowen .
i was glad to see you and your efforts hear in minnesota!.
being that anyone can come forward with an accusation, how .
Somehow , I missed your post Mr. Bowen, thank you for your
response and keep up the fight, Thank you.
mr. bowen .
i was glad to see you and your efforts hear in minnesota!.
being that anyone can come forward with an accusation, how .
Thanks conversation stopper,
I appreciate your post>