Excellent post about your father, John.
And there is something satisfying in physical labor. When one exerts himself strenuously all day long and can look back at his accomplishments at the end of the day, a feeling of honor mixed with tiredness settles upon him. Modern society breeds all manner of mental diseases, depression, and apathy. I sometimes wonder if a slight move away from machines and hurriedness would increase our mental well being. Too many of us want things immediately, and we don't want to put effort into getting them, and many look down upon physical exertion.
Whatever my differences with dad, he was a good man, and I respect his callouses.
I really think you have something there about the mental issues.
Every spring I get blisters on my hands and feel ashamed; I vow to never go through another winter not doing enough work to keep my calluses and every year I lie. I hate those blisters - they tell on me. Calluses are, indeed, something to be respected.