Funny you should ask that question. Lately I've been going through the same thing myself. Sometimes we go through motions of life without posing for a moment to really ponder why we do what we do? What it is we are living for? and most importantly is what we say we are living for and what we actually spend time on in sync??
Lately I've realized just how much I was scattering my energies and chasing after wrong things and people and just how much that affected me. So I'm taking a long break, I'm off, going on a long holiday to see my parents while they are still alive and to spend time doing things I once loved, hiking, fishing, sailing, horse riding etc and basically reconnecting with my inner self if you wanna put it that way. Taking along my little one too so she can see where her daddy grew up. She is with me there for a month before her mom arrives to take her to see the other side of the family, but I think I'll stick around for a wee bit longer there and just take it easy for a change. Ever since my marriage exploded I've been on a roller coaster ride never realizing I was basically destroying myself in the process.
But now I know what I'm supposed to do, I love creating things, these are the moments of profound insight that make life worth living, for me at least. But before I immerse myself into it I'm on my way home to reconnect, recalibrate, and release real zagor out. Life is too short for anything less, and anything less is betrayal of once life and what it stands for.
Mind you it is all good we are asking these questions still relatively young, some people only start wandering on their deathbed what their life stood for lol. It is very well reflected in the words of Marcus Aurelius from the movie Gladiator
"I am dying, Maximus. When a man sees his end he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How will the world speak my name in years to come? Will I be known as the philosopher? The warrior? The tyrant...? Or will I be the emperor who gave Rome back her true self?"
Quite striking isn't it?