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JoinedPosts by Indo_Dude
EXJW facebook group tries to find 10,000 exJWs
by Sirona inthis facebook group is trying to get 10,000 exjw members.... join up!.
Republicans Face "Extraordinarily Problematic" Crisis
by nvrgnbk inafter string of losses, republicans face crisisby jonathan weisman and paul kanewashington post staff writers .
thursday, may 15, 2008; page a01 .
house republicans turned on themselves yesterday after a third straight loss of a gop-held house seat in special elections this year left both parties contemplating widespread democratic gains in november.
Dan The Man Wrote:
It's an embarrassing joke for Republicans to talk about fiscal responsibility.
The funny (pathetic) thing is that many Republican's are now spewing this. 'Bush wasn't a "true conservative"', is what they belch up on talk radio. They elected the most conservative, bible beating, Jesus loving, freak they possibly could, and now want to claim that Mr. Bush 'isn't a true conservative', without the slightest mention that maybe....just maybe.....the Republipuke idea/s simply do not work.
I will laugh my junk off if the Democrats pick up 10 Senate seats and 35 to 40 House seats because the Republipukes refuse to own up to their horrendous errors. Oh how sweet 2009 is going to be!!!! LOL Georgie Bush Monkey may just be the best thing that has ever, ever happened to the Democratic party. The moron has cost the Republipukes control of govt for a generation or more! LOL! I love it!
California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage
by BenV injust got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
Tired of the Hippos wrote: "I am neither for gay marriage nor against it. I do not see why the state has to become so involved in this issue. It is a moral or doctrinal issue not a secular one IMHO. "
The 'state' isn't 'involved' in it. The state Supreme Court had to make a ruling based on a legal case in front of it.
Frankly, marriage or civil unions have absolutely nothing to do with 'moral or doctrinal' issues, but rather a human rights issue. Just as the courts have ruled previously that banning mixed race marriages were unconstitutional, they have ruled similarly regarding 'gay marriage'. People should be allowed to marry whom they chose without the state getting involved. It is the most basic of all the protections allowed under state law. In fact marriage under the federal courts alone provide for almost 1,200 protections for marriage. Add most state protections with that and you exceed 2,000 'basic, fundamental, secular. rights that people are allowed. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d04353r.pdf
Why should gay people wait for almost 2,000 automatic protections under the law for it to be voted on by the populace of the various states?
Is Obama Gay?
by sammielee24 innot an issue with me - but i wonder how many voters would turn against him if they found out he was?
the latest tabloid in check out lines has brought the sinclair scandal out into the public eye - and although i haven't heard it yet, i understand that rev manning has a damning video on youtube.
larry craig was vilified - would the same people who vilified him still vote obama in and why?
Do you honestly think Obama is 'gay'? It seems to me that it is only a smear campaign to discredit him. I guess why it rubs me the wrong way is that you repost such a story as 'innocent' conjecture or fact. Does that make sense? Obama isn't gay. But if he were, so what? I guess I just get pissy when I see others call Michelle Obama or Hillary 'lesbians'. It's insulting. As if whatever their sexual preference means anything. But, rather their opponents want to smear them. That's why I called you to task. It seems (to me) that you want to spread a rumor, (for whatever reason) to discredit a candidate.
Ya know?
Republicans Face "Extraordinarily Problematic" Crisis
by nvrgnbk inafter string of losses, republicans face crisisby jonathan weisman and paul kanewashington post staff writers .
thursday, may 15, 2008; page a01 .
house republicans turned on themselves yesterday after a third straight loss of a gop-held house seat in special elections this year left both parties contemplating widespread democratic gains in november.
Burn the Ships wrote: the 2 trillion $ figure you cite seems a bit excessive .
Wrong. If anything it is too low. See the $3 TRILLION estimate from the Washington Post link provided:
At an absolute minimum the war will cost us $2 TRILLION to $3 TRILLION over the next 20 years. Hey $2 trillion is only $ 27,000 for a family of 4. The Iraq war is certainly worth that to most families isn't it? McCain said the war should be winding up in 2013......after 11 years of war. At that point our cost will 'only' be $4.5 TRILLION.
What a solid investment! Cheers!
Is Obama Gay?
by sammielee24 innot an issue with me - but i wonder how many voters would turn against him if they found out he was?
the latest tabloid in check out lines has brought the sinclair scandal out into the public eye - and although i haven't heard it yet, i understand that rev manning has a damning video on youtube.
larry craig was vilified - would the same people who vilified him still vote obama in and why?
Sammielee, frankly I'm not sure. I was sent PMs from the 'mod team' saying they were altering my posts, so I'm not sure exactly what has changed.
If it seems misrepresentational I apologize in advance as I have no control over what the mods may or may not do regarding various threads. I thought we were having a spirited discussion. If I'm wrong with that conclusion I apologize.
Republicans Face "Extraordinarily Problematic" Crisis
by nvrgnbk inafter string of losses, republicans face crisisby jonathan weisman and paul kanewashington post staff writers .
thursday, may 15, 2008; page a01 .
house republicans turned on themselves yesterday after a third straight loss of a gop-held house seat in special elections this year left both parties contemplating widespread democratic gains in november.
No BTS, the Republipukes need to come up with some stupid fantasy on why they are not to blame for the current ills of the country. I'm sorry, but most Presidents are a bit detached from the overall economic ups/downs of the country. However, not this Prez. He specifically has spent almost $2 TRILLION on the Iraq war which has devaluated our currency to such a point where you might as well call the dollar a peso.... same thing.
I would love to see the Supreme Court say that abortion is illegal. I would laugh....and laugh.....and laugh....at all those stupid women that voted for Dubya. Personally I believe if you voted for Dubya in 2004, you should never be allowed an abortion, ever, never, ever. Period. If you were stupid enough to vote for him, you are stupid enough to suffer the consequences. Sorry....that's just life, ya know?
Republicans Face "Extraordinarily Problematic" Crisis
by nvrgnbk inafter string of losses, republicans face crisisby jonathan weisman and paul kanewashington post staff writers .
thursday, may 15, 2008; page a01 .
house republicans turned on themselves yesterday after a third straight loss of a gop-held house seat in special elections this year left both parties contemplating widespread democratic gains in november.
Bigboy wrote:
Really I'm surprised the Republicans held on to power as long as they did. They certainly milked 9/111 for all it was worth though. That's a damn shame too because if we'd had some competent people running the govt these past 8 yrs we could have accomplished alot.
Very much so. Instead we had dumb, and dumber running the show. We had 8 years of America flying straight to hell in a handbasket. Had America elected a tampon blood clot to office they would have been futher ahead than electing & re-electing Bushtard. Then again, America deserves EVERYTHING it has coming to it. If you lost $50,000 on your house..... too bad sucker. If your 401K dumped by 25%, too bad dumb ass. If your T-Bill holdings went down by 8% or your retirement pension died along the way like most airline employee pensions.....tough shit. If you voted for Bush, you can't complain at all unless you've been executed by Karl
MarxRove. -
Is Obama Gay?
by sammielee24 innot an issue with me - but i wonder how many voters would turn against him if they found out he was?
the latest tabloid in check out lines has brought the sinclair scandal out into the public eye - and although i haven't heard it yet, i understand that rev manning has a damning video on youtube.
larry craig was vilified - would the same people who vilified him still vote obama in and why?
Sammielee wrote:
I tend to be conservative, but early on Obama captured my imagination. I really like his speeches and was secretly hoping that he would measure up to the stature of his speech.
But with the Wright controversy, and with Michelle Obama's outright hatred of America despite the fact of her education and riches, I came to consider Obama as a very dangerous man.
I think he is anti-American and a product of black hatred for whites.
Either. Or. Both. Preferably the latter.
Republicans Face "Extraordinarily Problematic" Crisis
by nvrgnbk inafter string of losses, republicans face crisisby jonathan weisman and paul kanewashington post staff writers .
thursday, may 15, 2008; page a01 .
house republicans turned on themselves yesterday after a third straight loss of a gop-held house seat in special elections this year left both parties contemplating widespread democratic gains in november.
golf 2 wrote: Please, don't get you hopes up, their all one and the same.
GolfRiiiiiiiight. That's just the thinking that re-elected the current Moron in Chief for running the Iraqmire War.