Just got this email!
Ben (celebratin' with friends)
by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends
Just got this email!
Ben (celebratin' with friends)
I'm trying to call my cousin, to see if they're planning anything yet
All it took was for me to leave the state...now maybe I should go back! Sucks to sell a house in this market, though...
That's great!
A good day indeed! Slowly but surely the courts are overturning hate based legislation. California has 36 million people which is a huge win. Add in Mass, with a population of 6.5 million almost 15% of the US population live in states with gay marriage. Add in the civil union laws of New Jersey at 8.5 million people, Vermont with 625,000 people, Connecticut with 3.4 million, and New Hampshire 1.3 million, and almost 57 million Americans (19%) have same sex marriage / civil union rights.
This is a start but is not a victory until gay marriages are afforded the same US Federal tax benefits as non-gay marriages.
hehehe...I hope ya'all get the same divorce rules everyone else gets too............
All i can say as a very straight guy is good
I have been with a very dear freind on my birthday he happens to be gay, what the hell does it matter ?
Tonight there's going to be a celebration at the Gay & Lesbian Center. They'll be speeches by State and local politicians; and a few celebrities, I'm told. My friends have been calling me -- party tonight!
I have been searching for this song. I heard it at an [illegal] lesbian wedding a few months back. It's really fun (and old). Anybody of you old timers remember it? I knew it was somewhere between Frank Sinatra and Norah Jones. Hope the link works.
Ben (laughin' and celebratin' wit' da crew)