Hi Maddie, I can relate to you on this one, i too havnt been for a year now and bumped into an elder for the first time from my old cong a few weeks ago while i was shopping... i imagined i would play it cool but out of frustration i blurted out everything, i probably came over quite strong, told him i didnt think it was the truth, didnt agree with 1914 doctrine as originaly based on CT Russells pyramids (he didnt know about this as it happens!!), lost faith in bible as gods name hasnt been succsessfully kept alive, and missing 'apocryphal' books that even some apostles and Jude quotes from. Told him how i felt about the blood issue. The distinct lack of love in congregation and with my shunning family, like yourself. I expressed how i didnt want this going any further and i was keeping my mouth quiet as i didnt want to sound like an apostate and get disfellowshipped, he agreed i was an apostate but i havnt heard anything since! But i no longer care either!! Take care, Dhand.
JoinedPosts by dhand
Conversation with an elder today!
by Maddie ini was at work today and low and behold an elder from the kh i used to go to came in.
i never got to know him very well but he always struck me as pleasant and mild mannered.
the thing is i stopped going to meetings over a year ago and am now, as i have already shared, being shunned by my jw son and his wife and can't see my beautiful little grand daughter any more.. i haven't officially dissassociated and not met with any elders but don't care what action they take as they can't do any more damage to me now.
Just found out my niece's husband posts here on the ONE AND ONLY JWD
by ThomasCovenant ini am very happy to find out today that my nephew-in-law (?
) has been viewing and posting on this site for a little while.. with all the recent influx of newbies, before the restrictions came into force, i missed him joining.
not that i would have known it was him.. i regret to say that i was unaware that he and my niece had stopped going to meetings for about a year and he had been doing his own research into the 't' before finally seeing the shite.. i now have only my parents and parents-in-law still in and a brother in law and his wife barely hanging on.. my family= .
Hey uncle TC!! :) just discovered your alias and took me this long to find ur post! I missed that beautiful moment, ha! This was a truly fantastic discovery, iv no doubt been reading ur posts without realising it!! Was great chatting the other day, cant wait to borrow ur 'crisis of concience' book! Cheers, Dhand.
Hi everyone! im also a newbie here.
by dhand inhi everyone, thought it was time to say hi after nearly a year lurking on this site!!
abit about me... i was born into the jw's and have been baptised for about 15yrs and was appointed as an ms about a year ago.
i have been a die hard jw for the last few years, but because of the arrogant and unloving attitude of certain 'spirit appointed' men within the cong and circuit i began to wounder if what i had really was 'the truth' and caused me to do some digging on some of the fundamental teachings.
Thank you very much for the warm welcome everyone! much apreciated, as i was a little shy at first! i cant believe there are so many newbies on here, some of them sharing the same reasons for leaving the JW's as i. I look forward in posting more comments soon, as i have lots to get off my chest, ha! regards, dhand
Yet another new guy...
by tresdecu infirst, let me say it is scary posting here for me.
if my past self could see me now!
i am a ms, been so for about 12 years.
Hi, im also an (ex)MS, and i too have just posted my first comment on here, and seems to me we both started investigating the 'truth' after being disheartend by the way people are treated. I am totally convinced now that this isnt the truth but the shunning and ignorance of people makes this a very difficult time, and im with u when u say you are stressed and sick to the stomach. I wish u all the best my dear bro! regards, dhand.
Hi everyone! im also a newbie here.
by dhand inhi everyone, thought it was time to say hi after nearly a year lurking on this site!!
abit about me... i was born into the jw's and have been baptised for about 15yrs and was appointed as an ms about a year ago.
i have been a die hard jw for the last few years, but because of the arrogant and unloving attitude of certain 'spirit appointed' men within the cong and circuit i began to wounder if what i had really was 'the truth' and caused me to do some digging on some of the fundamental teachings.
Hi everyone, thought it was time to say hi after nearly a year lurking on this site!! Abit about me... I was born into the JW's and have been baptised for about 15yrs and was appointed as an MS about a year ago. I have been a die hard JW for the last few years, but because of the arrogant and unloving attitude of certain 'spirit appointed' men within the cong and circuit i began to wounder if what i had really was 'the truth' and caused me to do some digging on some of the fundamental teachings. Anyway through research im confident now it certainly is NOT the truth, and feel mislead all these years! Im suffering the shunning process from family, the annoying phone calls from elders all for the past 8/9months, and they dont give up!! I had never previously realised how hard it would be to escape this cult!! without df / da'ing. its like a trap! regards, dhand.
Newbies & Lurkers - Let's Get to Know You - Please Tell Us Your Story
by flipper inat the suggestion of my sis named dinah ( thanks dinah ) we thought it would be good to invite newbies , lurkers , or any others junior members etc.
to tell their stories of how they got out of the jehovah's witnesses or what you dealt with before getting out of which you had to overcome !
life is hard- we all have our stories , but on this board are many caring people who will be here for you if you need a soft place to land after being controlled by the jehovah's witnesses mindset.
Hi, im a newbie and this is my first post!! iv been lurking and gathering my thoughts from this site since december last year. i been in the org 30yrs from birth and have been dedicated to it for along time sacrifising a few things on the way, (which i would do again if i believed it was for god, my creator!), but the mind screw-up is when i actually sat back and did some digging (wt library, wiki, then finally here) and realise that god couldnt be in this org. (if he still exsists??) 2 main subjects for me is russell and his great pyramid, and the blood issue!!.. oh ok, and all the false prophecies and dates the org has felt the need to bring up through their short history, and alot of other things! what also hurts is that i still have a desire to serve god correctly, but now have no idea where to look. I came to this conclusion relativly quickly since it seems so obvious to me it is wrong, i havnt been back to a meeting since december. Funny thing is that my wife and parents aint too shocked about this as they cant dispute what i have found either. I have enjoyed reading comments on this site, found comfort and learnt alot, and have found myself helplessly addicted and keep comming back. Your comments have been a valubale learning experience, and im sure there will be alot more of us to come! Many thanks!! Dhand