Mormons sometimes use images of their temples (especially the Salt Lake Temple) to represent their church as a whole. Their other common identifying image is the Angel Moroni statue that is seen on most Mormon temples.
JoinedPosts by exmocan
Does any other religion have an architectural symbol as sort of a logo?
by JWoods ini am, of course, talking about the famous "watchtower" image.
they even built one on top of one of their buildings.... just wondering - does any other religion have some architectural symbol which they use as a sign of their belief?.
of course, there are crosses and the ancient egyptians had the pyramids (as did some early american primatives) -.
Non-Existent First Century GB / Council Quotes from Old Publications?
by Ultimate Reality ini am looking for any references regarding the existence or (even better) the non-existence of a first century council / governing body in old watchtower publications.
it would most likely center on acts 14 and 15.. many of us have heard the fred franz recording about how there was no such body in the first century.
anybody have any pre-1970's quotes on this subject?.
Here is an example:
Examples of Recognizing the Organization
CONSIDER a number of good examples of properly recognizing the theocratic organization and its governing body. Not so long after the Christian congregation was organized at Jerusalem rabid persecution by the Jewish religionists scattered the congregation from the city, except the apostles, who remained as the governing body. Philip the evangelist or missionary carried the preaching of the good news north into Samaria and succeeded in establishing a congregation in the city, the members of which he baptized. One important thing the congregation lacked: the holy spirit with its miraculous gifts. Philip wanted the congregation of native witnesses to receive these. Recognizing the theocratic organization and knowing that the miraculous gifts of the spirit could be imparted only by the apostles of the Lamb or in their immediate presence, Philip sent word up to Jerusalem. That was an unselfish, loyal recognition of the theocratic organization by an evangelist or missionary. What was the outcome? The apostolic governing body sent down the apostles Peter and John. Then came the impartation of the spirit and its gifts to the baptized believers in Samaria. As it is written: “And these went down and prayed for them to get holy spirit. For it had not yet fallen upon any one of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they went to laying their hands upon them, and they began to receive holy spirit. . . . through the laying on of the hands of the apostles the spirit was given.”—Acts 8:1-19, NW.
2 Later Barnabas and Paul, as missionaries to the uncircumcised nations, were greatly disturbed by the question of circumcision and the Gentiles. They both had the right understanding of the question, but when dissension arose in the Antioch congregation, “they arranged for Paul and Barnabas and some others of them to go up to the apostles and older men in Jerusalem regarding this question.” (Acts 15:1, 2, NW) Again this recognizing of the theocratic organization brought results. A special meeting of its governing body at Jerusalem was called, the question was thoroughly aired, James was used as God’s mouthpiece in calling attention to the fulfillment of Scripture and in stating the right conclusion to be drawn respecting the uncircumcised Gentile believers, the governing body backed by holy spirit drew up a letter setting out the basic requirements for such believers, and Paul and Barnabas left Jerusalem with the letter. This letter was read to many cities where the question was a moot one. As Paul and his companion traveled about through the cities that had believers, “they would deliver to those there for observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem.” The effect of this was that, instead of the congregations’ continuing shaky and divided in opinion, “the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number from day to day.” (Acts 15:3 to 16:5, NW) Recognition of the theocratic organization is unifying, strengthening, productive of increase.
w54 9/1 Examples of Recognizing the Organization p. 535
Watchtower Library 2008 (English) question
by exmocan inhas the watchtower libary 2008 cd been released in english yet?
if so, what changes are there, if any?.
Watchtower Library 2008 (English) question
by exmocan inhas the watchtower libary 2008 cd been released in english yet?
if so, what changes are there, if any?.
Sept 15, 2008 WT PDF
by yknot ini didn't see a thread but if you wanna copy in pdf click this sentence.
July 15th WT?
by cabasilas ini've heard the july 15th wt has new interpretations of jesus' parables - dragnet, mustard seed, leaven, etc.
has a pdf of it been posted yet?
or, perhaps i missed it?
Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God PDF
by exmocan ini saw in a post back in 2006 someone making available a pdf version of the life everlasting book.
is a pdf version of the book still available somewhere on the web?