I knew the Buettells in the 1970s. They were lovely people and still are. I don’t think they feel cheated. I believe they are happy with how they’ve lived their lives.
JoinedPosts by DNCall
Symposium Talk : Watchtower Society show their appreciation for the Buettell's
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhttps://youtu.be/xcgyp-h60xk?si=tvojbxouldf9jxwp.
governing body member samuel herd gives a symposium talk: love for jehovah in modern times at the 2023 annual meeting of jehovah's witnesses.
at the 11 minute mark of the symposium, we meet (100 year old) brother david buettell and his ( 98 year old wife) phylis.
My Most Memorable Circuit & District Overseers
by MillennialDawn ini would love to hear from anyone who may have encountered the following the traveling overseers:.
david wesley - an incredibly kind and humble man.
just the most down-to-earth co you'll ever find.
I had contact with Angelo Manera over most of his traveling years. At first, he was impossible. At Circuit Assemblies he would go in the hallways, lobbies and even outside the facility looking for young people during the program. He would grab young brothers by their sideburns and drag them back in. Over the thirty or so years that I knew him, he mellowed considerably. That's why you hear good and bad reviews of him.
John Paluso retired and is living near his daughter in Idaho, I believe. I served on the same body of elders in Santa Monica and we were very close to him and his wife, Nancy. He was also the chairman of the committee that disfellowshipped my wife and me. (We blew off going to the meeting.) A few weeks later I'm shopping and I hear my name called out. It's John. He runs up to me and gives me a big hug. To me there was nothing unusual about that but in hindsight I realize that he has lived with acute cognitive dissonance his whole life.
So, 60 Years Ago
by titch inso, folks, 60 years ago, starting on september 1st, i believe, we, local witnesses in southern california, had the "privilege" of attending the "around the world assembly", at, of all places, the rose bowl, in pasadena.
(i think that it was an 8-day assembly) i was 9 years old then, almost ready to start 4th grade.
so, was anyone else, on this site, at that assembly?
r51785: In the 70s, a former maker of adult films became a Witness in our congregation. He was an inveterate gambler and recalled that the week of the 1963 convention was very slow for gamblers. The only “action” in L.A. was who would draw more attendance, JWs or Billy Graham. He bet against JWs. When he lost, he had greater respect for them. Prior to that, he had thought they were “snake charmers.”
So, 60 Years Ago
by titch inso, folks, 60 years ago, starting on september 1st, i believe, we, local witnesses in southern california, had the "privilege" of attending the "around the world assembly", at, of all places, the rose bowl, in pasadena.
(i think that it was an 8-day assembly) i was 9 years old then, almost ready to start 4th grade.
so, was anyone else, on this site, at that assembly?
I was there. I was twelve years old and played in the orchestra that was led by my father. The legend that was circulated that on the second or third day of the 8-day convention, food service was going to be shut down by the heath department due to dust blowing into the large food vats. I believe it was the night of the third day that it poured rain and rained throughout the next day. Of course this was attributed to Jehovah's opening up the floodgates of heaven so that the dust was abated and the convention could go on.
It was extremely hot and unlike Southern California in the summer, quite humid. People were fainting in large numbers. It got to the point where there wasn't enough water to revive those who were passing out so they had to resort to splashing soft drinks on the victims.
After the program had ended, I accompanied my father to the administration trailer as he submitted his department-head report. Just then Knorr walked in after his marathon closing talk and prayer and said to everyone, "So, are you going to fire me?" Everyone thought that was pretty funny.
This was the wrap-up of a worldwide staging of conventions that had been going on for most of 1963, so a huge event in Witness-land. The level of personal effort of all who attended and participated dwarfs any efforts that are expended at conventions today. This contrast serves as but one example of how the organization has deteriorated.
JW Elder Sentenced for CSA
by EasyPrompt inhttps://www.westernmassnews.com/2023/09/01/jehovah-witness-elder-sentenced-jail-child-sexual-abuse-case/?outputtype=amp.
I certainly hope the victim brings a civil suit against this man, the Governing Body, Watchtower NY and the local body of elders.
Reinstatement...the aftermath?
by TxNVSue2023 ini'm in the process of being reinstated ( my df'ing story is on here).
because i've never been in this position before, i don't know how i will be treated once i'm reinstated.
i moved ti a new city/state and i don't know a single person here or in my new congregation i am attending.
If I remember correctly, the congregations have been instructed not to clap when reinstatements are announced. The reasoning, if you can call it that, is that a reinstatement is the beginning of getting back to the program. Only staying with the program over time is worthy of that kind of acknowledgment.
Our Kingdom Ministry
by NotFormer inmy understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
Re the Kingdom Ministry to Kingdom Service and back to Kingdom Ministry, this had to do with the influence of Ray Franz in the 1970s. During this rare period of reasonableness that he brought to the GB, it was decided that "service" was a more encompassing term than "ministry," as it could include acts of kindness and helpfulness. He also promoted the concept of an "internal ministry." All this could be covered by the word "service." This gained enough traction that "Our Kingdom Service" became the new title.
Then, when Ray was removed, dismissed from the Bethel Family and subsequently disfellowshipped (or as it was mis-described "disassociated"), what reasonableness he contributed was suspended in favor of a "tightening up." It was in this process that the title, "Our Kingdom Ministry" was restored. It was evident that the GB was attempting to undo every bit of work Ray had contributed while serving in the Organization.
Regional convention 2023
by sove inany streamed content from this years regional convention available with any of you guys?
I don't believe the promotional video above was created without thought to featuring caucasian models and having it narrated by a man with a Northern European accent. Are countries with predominantly white populations being targeted here? I would imagine most of us can think of reasons why this would be advantageous to WT, mostly monetary.
How to debunk the 1914 calculus ONLY using JW publications?
by psyco ini remember having read somewhere, but i cannot find it anymore, that it is possible to debunk the 1914 calculus using only jw publications, like "insight on the scriptures" (chronologies) for example.. do you have any sources about that to suggest to me?.
Scholar: Your arguments are affected by faith. Faith that the Bible is God's Word and faith that the Jehovah's Witnesses are God's chosen organization. The other side relies on the abundance of records preserved from the Neo-Babylonian period. You accept and reject data and evidence so as to agree with the position taken by Jehovah's Witnesses. So long as this is the case, your scholarship will be hampered and you will not be well informed.
Meet Olivia Newton-John's Grandfather, Max Born
by DNCall inolivia's maternal grandfather fled htiler's germany in 1933. he was one of the founders of quantum mechanics and a close friend of albert einstein.
it was max born who famously wrote: "the belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it, seems to me the deepest root of all that is evil in the world.
Olivia's maternal grandfather fled Htiler's Germany in 1933. He was one of the founders of quantum mechanics and a close friend of Albert Einstein. It was Max Born who famously wrote: "The belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it, seems to me the deepest root of all that is evil in the world."