The link to the court's docket in this matter is found here. It is a pretty standard answer to complaint, containing denials, some admissions and affirmative defenses. Now we know that Watchtower NY has been served and is participating in this case.
JoinedPosts by DNCall
Watchtower New York Answers Complaint in Hines v. Watchtower
by DNCall inthe link to the court's docket in this matter is found here.
it is a pretty standard answer to complaint, containing denials, some admissions and affirmative defenses.
now we know that watchtower ny has been served and is participating in this case..
Hines v, Watchtower
by DNCall inattorneys for the governing body have responded to the complaint in the above matter by filing a motion to dismiss the complaint.
the underlying argument its that the governing body is not a legal entity and thus cannot sue or be sued.. the zalkin firm will file an opposition to the motion and perhaps and amended complaint.. what remains a curiosity is why watchtower new york has apparently not been served.. you can read the motion here..
Index No. 520772/2021
Hines v, Watchtower
by DNCall inattorneys for the governing body have responded to the complaint in the above matter by filing a motion to dismiss the complaint.
the underlying argument its that the governing body is not a legal entity and thus cannot sue or be sued.. the zalkin firm will file an opposition to the motion and perhaps and amended complaint.. what remains a curiosity is why watchtower new york has apparently not been served.. you can read the motion here..
Attorneys for the Governing Body have responded to the complaint in the above matter by filing a motion to dismiss the complaint. The underlying argument its that the Governing Body is not a legal entity and thus cannot sue or be sued.
The Zalkin firm will file an opposition to the motion and perhaps and amended complaint.
What remains a curiosity is why Watchtower New York has apparently not been served.
You can read the motion here.
The Governing Body KNEW CSA was happening at Bethel
by Newly Enlightened in
Corney: That could well be, but WT has a history of late responses (e.g., Conti). If they haven’t been served yet, it’s interesting that the GB has been served while, in all this time, WT hasn’t. Is it possible that the GB accepted stipulated service under the condition that plaintiff agrees to dismiss WT? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
The Governing Body KNEW CSA was happening at Bethel
by Newly Enlightened in
nowwhat: You pose some really valid questions. Likely, an amended complaint or complaints will be filed by Hines. Questions like yours help Hines to refine her amended complaint. Zalkin has had a lot of experience with these types of matters and I would think it unlikely that he would file a frivolous complaint. What is irresponsible though is for the OP to treat the allegations in the complaint as established fact before the GB responds, before any amended complaint(s), before discovery and before pre-trial motions. We may never know the facts of this case should a confidential settlement be reached. What I find interesting is that defendant Watchtower of New York, as far as the court docket shows, has not filed any responsive papers. They are way past the statutory deadline to do so and have not attempted to request an extension in which to respond.
Hines v. Watchtower
by DNCall inthe governing body's response to the above complaint has been extended by stipulation until february 11, 2022. it had been due today.
this should be an important case as it alleges csa at bethel with governing body members' knowing about it.
you can follow it here..
New Article - Birthdays, Why the Watchtower stance is wrong
by jwfacts ini have a new article at outlining why the watchtower stance against birthdays is wrong.
there have been a number of threads on jwn discussing this, and the article collates and summarises the points raised in these threads.
please feel free to point out any errors in grammar or logic.
“Lee:” when you claim to be the One True Religion you must be able to point to beliefs and practices that are unique to your religion, that set it apart. These have been described as identifying marks of the true religion. It is branding, no more, no less. Those affected adversely by this branding be damned as far as the organization cares.
Hines v. Watchtower
by DNCall inthis could be a big one.
sexual abuse case naming the gb as co-defendants.
watchtower's response is due on january 21, 2022. here is the docket:
I sent you a PM.
Hines v. Watchtower
by DNCall inthis could be a big one.
sexual abuse case naming the gb as co-defendants.
watchtower's response is due on january 21, 2022. here is the docket:
Anna Marina: I'm not sure I understand the point you are making but age of consent is a means to establish statutory rape in cases of consensual sex where one of the parties is below the age of consent. The Hines complaint alleges nonconsensual sex acts. Although her age at the time is significant, what is more significant is that her stepfather sexually abused her in violation of secular law and (since you quote Scripture) Bible law, especially as interpreted by Jehovah's Witnesses.
Lawsuit: I said GB member Barr that my Bethelite stepfather abused me; he did nothing
by Corney inhere's an excerpt from the recent lawsuit deborah hines v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york et al (paragraphs 158-180), one of 29 known cases brought against the org pursuant to the ny child victims act.
what should be kept in mind is that gerrit lösch apparently worked in europe (the austrian branch and eastern europe) at the time when the abuse was allegedly reported to him (not a gb member then).. plaintiff was raised a member of the jehovah’s witnesses.
she primarily attended meetings at various congregations in arizona.
This complaint was filed along with 28 other complaints on the same day. It was the last day allowed to file a CSA claim without the statute of limitations being in force. It's reasonable to expect an amended complaint or complaints that are better written and more considered.
What makes this case so potentially devastating is that the setting is Bethel as opposed to a local congregation. Can the current GB be held liable for the acts or omissions of a past GB?
I know, how about overlapping governing bodies???