I'm a white person and I love the Red House.
JoinedPosts by Colton
Where black people and white people buy furniturrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre LOL!!
by WuzLovesDubs inoh my god lolol.
Committee Meeting Wants Details, oh BS
by Leprechaun ini remember when i like a real stupid ass went to a committee meeting for enjoying committing so called immorality, when in my view i was making love and i enjoyed every dam minute of it.
well any way those stupid elders whom i knew personally for many years wanted to know every juicy (no pun intended) tid bit of what went on between me and this good friend of mine, a long time sister in good standing, i told them what the hell, you guys dont know what sex is!
you stupid asss!
"form a circle jerk" LMAO! Nice one.
Has the Rapture started ?
by wobble indo you think that the rapture has started, slowly with the celebs,mj ff etc ?.
when is it your turn ?.
This is my old KH...
by Tatiana inkingdom hall struck by vandals again story tools email storyrecommend storyprintable versiondiscuss .
/story tools article contentpublished on 6/26/2009.
the following reports were collected from georgetown police and county deputies:.
Don't you dare call it a "church"!
Has the Rapture started ?
by wobble indo you think that the rapture has started, slowly with the celebs,mj ff etc ?.
when is it your turn ?.
Vultures can't feed on what has become immortal. Those are two separate events.
Has the Rapture started ?
by wobble indo you think that the rapture has started, slowly with the celebs,mj ff etc ?.
when is it your turn ?.
No, when our Lord and Savior utters the words, "Come up here!" to his church and all those who received Holy Spirit will instantly be changed from what is mortal to immortal in a twinkle of an eye to be forever with the Lord.
Then the world will be in spiritual darkness during the time known as Tribulation.
1 Corinthians 15:51
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory."
Revelation 11:12
Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.
Farrah, Ed, Michael, now Jeff Goldblum???? WTF?
by daniel-p instill "unconfirmed", but what the hell is going on?.
Why couldn't it be Carrot Top? THE WRONG ONE DIED!!!
by Mando8000 ini would like to speak with a jw or anyone here who believes in god, and i would like in fact i dare you to find a reason why humans shouldnt use cannabis.
<--(marijuana) actually i will give you one and it is the only one that i have found.
the only reason i found is because in most places it is illegal and god says to respect there laws but anything besides this i believe is bs so again i dare u to give me a reason besides what i stated..
Resorting to name calling now? "dumb fucks"?
JW Ministerial Servant and Elder caught lying on youtube...
by Tuesday inhere's a set of youtube videos where propoganda techniques asks a ministerial servant and an elder about various jw related things and catches them lying about the book pay attention to yourselves and the flock.
the reaction of the elder is a must-see when he's confronted with what he said.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5odp3qa6oeo.
Scientology does the same tactic when they find themselves cornered.
"What are you afraid of?"
"What are you hiding?"
"What are your crimes?"
All cults lash out when they are identified as a ... wait for it ... cult.
My Honda won't start!!
by Pandoras cat11 inthis month is starting out really bad.
we just bought a 92 honda accord and it was running just fine.
i get in it yesterday and it won't start.
Check corrosion on both positive and negative poles. If you see alot of white crusty junk on your connections, then pour some Coca-Cola on it. It'll clean that up. Can the car be jump-started? Check your wires that connect to the battery.