The overlapping generation doctrine is the WTS/JWorg attempt to twist and embellish Jesus own words written into scripture and was done so to uphold and support the previously established doctrine of 1914.
That in itself was an act of apostasy for Jesus himself condemned his faithful followers toward making up a set a time upon god's own sacred time and really that is why most other Christian faiths have not set time like what the leaders of the Watchtower Corporation have done.
In biblical epistemology a generation was to signify or accepted as the life span of an individual, so once you past lets say 100 years you have past that generational time length.
Talk about false religion !
1914 has been a core doctrine of the JWS religion for over a 100 years and more.
If you were a baptized participating JWS and questioned the viability of 1914, you would be swiftly disbanded and disfellowshipped for apostasy by the controlling elders of the congregations.