Actually Billy said it right !
Actually, they want to control you. Humiliate you into submission. Enslave you to the Watchtower Corporation mindset.
sooo i was a ministerial servant (omg a ministerial servant on this site!?
you apostate!!!
) yea yea i just wanted to see what other people think and whatever, coz i had a few questions myself, (butttt its not like i was about to start throwing them with rocks and stuff, they arent that bad).
Actually Billy said it right !
Actually, they want to control you. Humiliate you into submission. Enslave you to the Watchtower Corporation mindset.
sooo i was a ministerial servant (omg a ministerial servant on this site!?
you apostate!!!
) yea yea i just wanted to see what other people think and whatever, coz i had a few questions myself, (butttt its not like i was about to start throwing them with rocks and stuff, they arent that bad).
Now that you have been removed, your ego has been dealt a bit of a blow too.
Too bad it was complacent corruption that embellished and nourished that ego.
Nows he's probably debating over which will win, will it be his intellect and personal integrity or to infuse himself back into
the power and corruption of a pretentious religious cult.
my jw brother-in-law is 32. he admitted to me the other day he's been inactive since 1989 (pretty much right after baptism).
he stopped going to the meetings in 2003, and acknowledges he is a fader.. his reason for not attending the meetings was the lack of passion for jehovah exhibited by the elders and the brothers and sisters.
he attended four different congregations in the fort worth/haltom city area of texas.
Is there a special term for this kind of person? An apostate who believes the Watchtower is right?!
The Watchtower was never right just like all the other religions. (an agreed to set of lies to create a semblance of self empowerment for men)
Your BIL is an ignorant hypocrite and quite honestly nothing else.
last week a young elder giving the public talk made.
the statement that "some were led to believe that the.
end would come in 1975, but aren't we so thankfull.
So true Jwfacts
The WTS. will always have a proverbial carrot at an end of stick to maintain devoted supportive followers.
last week a young elder giving the public talk made.
the statement that "some were led to believe that the.
end would come in 1975, but aren't we so thankfull.
The comment of " Aren't we all glad that Armageddon didn't come " comes out now to incite fear toward people who were in the audience
listening as a suggestion that some may never have made it through Armageddon, but now they have the capability and a improved chance to make
through by serving more in Jehovah's earthly kingdom, the Watchtower Publishing house.
Fear has been the underling catalyst used by the WTS. to get people involved with this organization, sure its deceptive and corrupt but it works.
last week a young elder giving the public talk made.
the statement that "some were led to believe that the.
end would come in 1975, but aren't we so thankfull.
Since it is known by well schooled bible theologians that making this calculation is totally imposable by using the Bible as a chronological devise.
Ever more so at Franz's assertion accumulating to October of 1975 .
Franz was a third rate bible theologian at best but he was heading and running a religious publishing house,
with a lot of responsibility to keep many people diligently working at the WTS. headquarters and abroad,
thats the only real factual Truth concerning 1975.
last week a young elder giving the public talk made.
the statement that "some were led to believe that the.
end would come in 1975, but aren't we so thankfull.
One thing that should be realized is that since the JWS and its leaders are said to be god's only chosen earthly organization ,
there is always going to be an ongoing perseverance to protect and uphold this proclamation and its attaching outward image !
More or less intensional lying to protect the organization's past lies is therefore mandated and should be expected.
If you protect the image of the organization your also protecting the containing power within it.
last week a young elder giving the public talk made.
the statement that "some were led to believe that the.
end would come in 1975, but aren't we so thankfull.
The insinuation is made that back in 1975 that some
Witnesses drew incorrect conclusions about the nearness
of Armageddon, while the faithfull ones knew better and did not
hold that believe.
What a contrived pile of bullshit, of course this is quite the easy thing to say, since 40 years have since passed
since the executive leaders of the WTS. conjured up this doctrine, which was a nothing more than a corrupt misinformed lie
created to spur up more of the circulation of the WTS. published works, which in reflection it notably did.
It seems whenever the subject of 1975 comes up among JWS they totally dismiss the fact that it wasn't
the rank and file JWS who went ahead of themselves, it was the corrupt leaders of this publishing house that
purposely created the doctrine with their own perceived indulgent agenda.
There some things that when put to print can stimulate the sales and proliferation of literature,
it doesn't necessarily have to be truthful or backed by factual evidence but it should stir up are sensitive human emotions though.
i was moved to put this thread out after talking to a board member here who was treated very disrespectfully from her jw family after her own husband died.
my question isn't trying to pigeonhole anybody or i'm not saying there's a right or wrong answer - the question is designed to just openly discuss the negatives and positives of going to a jw funeral or not, and the implications or ramifications for doing so or not.. i believe it's definitely a personal decision based on different circumstances for each individual.
for example : let's say a person is an inactive jw and they were sexually abused or treated in other inhumane ways by still active jw relatives .
I'd just like to say that I do go to other people's funerals in other Churches from time to time, not so much for the religious experience but rather
out of respect for the individual that passed away and as a show of support for the beavered family members.
In relating to my mother's funeral service, the JW talk was mostly constructed to support the JWS doctrines which was kind of expected,
what did annoy me though was when a dip shit JWS started preaching to a co-worker that came along because he had met my mother a few times.
I guess he thought this was good time to preach since death was in the air so to speak and the JWS have something marketable.
sooo i was a ministerial servant (omg a ministerial servant on this site!?
you apostate!!!
) yea yea i just wanted to see what other people think and whatever, coz i had a few questions myself, (butttt its not like i was about to start throwing them with rocks and stuff, they arent that bad).
they even USED the word "DELETED" like I'm just a name you can delete, just like that, you are the weakest link, goodbye..
Religion is a game of power and control if you hadn't have noticed yet .
Ever more so in the JWS environment of a Kingdom Hall.
The zealous ones usually have the greatest power obtainable if your a man in JW land.
Saying that you were being deleted may have come off as a form of Judaical punishment by the other higher powers.
My advise would be if you don't contain the intelligence to see this a very damaging and somewhat dangerous religious cult
to be involved in, show repentance for your previous lack of zeal in the ministry, go out
in service a lot more and see if they will reposition yourself.
Oh yes, don't come to any more anti-JWS web sites for any more advise concerning your religious beliefs, they wont like that either.