My fiance says he is a Christian. Believes in God and that Jesus is his savior. He does not claim to be any religion, but his tendancies lean toward Jehovah's Witness. He told me he will not go into a church because they preach lies and they are houses of Satan. He was upset with me for giving blood and told me he would never do it. If his kids needed blood or die, he would know they would be ok. They would just have to die. Not celebrating Holidays and Birthdays is fine with me. He told me he would not try to change me, however he made a comment to my 6 year old about his toys not being cool, but he did say that my son was cool and everyday was his birthday. He mentioned something about the year 1914, that's when Jesus came or something like that.... what is that about?
He gets upset with me because I think differently than he does. He has called off everything with me and him, told me to not call him or come over because I allowed my ex-husband to come to my son's birthday party. My ex-husband was invited but he wasn't. He wouldn't have come anyway. Is all this related to him being a JW? Can someone help me to understand his views? He told me he only wanted to change two things about me, my name and where I lived. He said I could decorate the house at Christmas, listen to holiday music, but he wouldn't participate. What is it about not Pledging Allegiance to the Flag or hating soldiers? Is that also a JW thing? Just trying to understand.
He also won't pray with others. He prays and reads his Bible all the time. but not with others, he says they are hypocrits. Including my brother-in-law preacher and my other brother-in-law who is a Christian that likes to pray before meals. My fiance won't participate in group prayer. He is done with me I'm sure, but I'd like to understand him better if things work out between us. Please someone help me.