Trevor Said: Hillary,If I ever decide to stop posting I will do so without a word - why burn bridges?
You have made a huge posting, while saying goodbye, to make your point -
your point.
you are moving on becauce not everybody is buying the story you're selling.
It's a shame to see you go becauce the more different opinions there are on
this forum the richer it becomes.When you learn to enjoy the posts from those that disagree with you, even if they
do so forcefully, then you will be free from the bondage of narrow mindedness.
Ridicule is more edifying than praise.
Plagarism is the most sincere form of flattery, I agree with trevor. You could be encouraged to know that the mods, led by Simon, are really cracking down on offensive naughtypants posters who offend their sensibilities by saying what they think rather than what others may want to hear. Maybe JWD will soon become more like you'd want, and you should stay?