open mind-
you make it sound so exciting! (i take it you like to have these kind of discussions?, i'm cool with them.)
I don't recognize these names you listed.
The fact that one's expectancy did not come to fruition when one hoped is not deception.
I think you miss the point, TD, the point being that ANYONE, including myself, desiring to see the end shortly wants it that way because it is such a significant event. It is the beginning of the end for Satan once and for all, and so the end for all that is wicked.
Anyone expecting the end to arrive shortly is ready for the changes promised in the Bible. And it would be naive to think that there are those in the truth who seriously hope they die FIRST before that Tribulation begins. Everyone, including Abraham, would have loved to live to see Jehovah's fullfillment of this prophecy.
If it did not happen in my lifetime, it does not mean i've been decieved.