Thanks for your kind words and waving and I always enjoy your posts as well.
I am very busy lately and have limited time for the db.
However, every now and then I will come in and lend a comment or two.
Take care,
anyone seen this site and marvelled at the ignorance and credulity of the anonymous writer.
read the condescending letter on the last page.
we can come back to the borg.
Thanks for your kind words and waving and I always enjoy your posts as well.
I am very busy lately and have limited time for the db.
However, every now and then I will come in and lend a comment or two.
Take care,
anyone seen this site and marvelled at the ignorance and credulity of the anonymous writer.
read the condescending letter on the last page.
we can come back to the borg.
Somebody went to a lot of trouble to mislead people.
One just has to look at the 1968 ECOSOC documents and Read Resolution 1296 (XLIV) to find out that the WTS had to contact the UN's Department of Public Information first and as part of accreditation they had to volunarily support the principles of the UN charter.
But what do I know.
For what it is worth the UN has updated their site a little. Seems the UN's letter on the WTS is now found in the Related Documents and Events section of the NGO (URL ) and the actual letter is here
"this domain name expired on 07/24/2006 and is pending renewal or deletion.
it is my opinion that there are two web sites that are extremely important to keep going and up to date at all costs.
"This domain name expired on 07/24/2006 and is pending renewal or deletion."
It is my opinion that there are two web sites that are extremely important to keep going and up to date at all costs. AJWRB's web site on blood and Bill Bowens Silentlambs site on child abuse.
I have not been around for a while. What happened to Lee Elder's site?
jehovah's witness convention
cleveland plain dealer, oh - 29 minutes ago july 29 2006 .
final weekend sessions of the jehovah's witnesses district convention are from 9:30 am to 4 pm today and sunday at the cleveland state university wolstein ...
I also believe "new light" is suppose to "tact" or in other words still go forward.
When it came to organ tranplants, vaccines and other blood products there were 180 degree reversals.
jehovah's witness convention
cleveland plain dealer, oh - 29 minutes ago july 29 2006 .
final weekend sessions of the jehovah's witnesses district convention are from 9:30 am to 4 pm today and sunday at the cleveland state university wolstein ...
Witnesses are also allowed to take multilple plasma fractions (instead of individually) at the same time as well.
property tax not discriminatory, b.c judge rules
1 hr ago | globe and mail
supreme court judge has ruled that the city of
Well that sucks.
for holding my hand and walking me through the registration process..........
You will find Scully to be helpful and she is cool. On the right day she can have me on the floor laughing out loud too.
thirdwitness -- an agent of the governing body?
this evening i was talking with an old friend about recent postings on this forum by jw defenders.
we concluded that something unusual is going on.
By the usual means. People respond to posts without either reading them carefully, missing their point, or just wanting to appear to be far more intelligent than they really are.
over 60 years ago, the watchtower society assembled a remarkable record of hard fought legal victories that had the .
long term effect of carving out a protected niche for themselves.
they were enabled to create many decades of .
It is my understanding that the WTS didn't have to join the UN at all to have access to the UN that so?That is absolutely correct. I highlighted all of that in my essay that I linked above. Also if you go back in time either here or at Randy's site you can see different links on how one can access any material in the UN library without the need of the DPI associated status. All I need to do is go to my Queen's University library in Kingston Ontario. Since they are linked into the UN library and have a portion of the library donated to the UN, I can get any book, phamphlet letter or other item from the UN library in New York to review. Some of the arguments used by JW leaders and those who are closed minded JWs in this UN issue are pathetic. The facts are the JW leadership slammed all other religions for associating with the UN, allowed many JWs to be killed in Malawi for not obtaining a 25 cent government party card and disfellowshipped those JWs who would support a country's government or the UN. Then the leadership turned around and pulled this crap and as for an excuse they said is was okay to assicate with the beast all for a ... library card. Think about that for a second. It's okay for the leadership to violate their rules to get a library card but not for the average JW under threat of death to get a 25 cent party card of the Malawian Government Give me a F___ing break. Frankly, those who were responsible for this UN issue and the coverup after 2001 should be fired from their position. But then again this is the JW leadership we are talking about ... a totalitarian regime who seems more interested in protecting pedophiles and keeping the congregation clean. hawk