I tend to push people to this essay as it may may help:
The essay provides a possible motive.
More importantly there are examples in the leadership's prescribed doctrine on not associating and/or not supporting the United Nations are as follows:
- an article titled "Their Refuge-A Lie!" in the Watchtower magazine of June 1, 1991 (pages 15-20),
- an article titled "Can an Image Bring Peace and Security" in the Watchtower magazine of December 1, 1976 (page 711)
- an article titled "The Worship of the "Wild Beast" - Why True Christians Refuse" in the Watchtower magazine of October 15, 1976 (pages 632- 636),
All articles show that becoming involved, supporting or acquiescing to the principals of the scarlet coloured wild beast (ie. the UN) was and still is considered something for false religion.
A further detailed review of the 1991 Watchtower article shows Paragraph 10 asks how false religion was involved in the United Nations. The answer was found in paragraph 11 where no less than no less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. The answer appeared weak compared to the 1976 Watchtower articles.
Paragraph 11 of the Watchtower 1991 article quoted from chapter 6, paragraph 1, page 45 of the book called "New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality" (ISBN # 1-680465-04-3), Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Image Books, 1982, 1984 by Robert Muller. Robert Muller's article was titled "Prayer and Meditation at the United Nations".
Reading the Muller quote, one observes that the Watchtower 1991 article left out the second sentence of the Muller paragraph. The second sentence states "All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations." This excluded sentence describing non-governmental organizations would actually make the quote in paragraph 11 and thus the answer to paragraph 10 significantly stronger. The sentence's exclusion in the 1991 article provides evidence the Watchtower was quietly seeking the exact same relationship that false religion had with the United Nations in the 1991-1992 timeline.
Further References for comments on the 1991 1976 WT articles