Kent's stuff is found at the above site I quoted. It gives an excellent history from 1950's up to March 2001 as to how the numbers have changed.
oh one more thing, i remembered wife saying, said speaker at yesterdays meeting mentioned that "thousands and thousands, of jdubs were killed ny the nazis.
can you believe it, wish he had of checked with the watchtower observer and really seen just how many thousands of thousands equated to.
i guess you don't have to tell the truth there you just have to keep repeating liesk, because if you tell a lie long enough it eventually will sound like the truth.
Kent's stuff is found at the above site I quoted. It gives an excellent history from 1950's up to March 2001 as to how the numbers have changed.
oh one more thing, i remembered wife saying, said speaker at yesterdays meeting mentioned that "thousands and thousands, of jdubs were killed ny the nazis.
can you believe it, wish he had of checked with the watchtower observer and really seen just how many thousands of thousands equated to.
i guess you don't have to tell the truth there you just have to keep repeating liesk, because if you tell a lie long enough it eventually will sound like the truth.
Shaun's site from which Kent quotes from says 838 according to the 74 WT. However, I think Shaun is wrong. The 74 WT says a total of 635 died in prison, 253 scheduled to be executed and 203 were actually executed. So Based on the sentence, the total in prison that died were 635. Thus, I am of the opinion that the 203 are incorporated in the 635 and thus 635 died and not 838 as Shaun's site says.
Either way that was way to many people to have died for some judge standing up to some evil dictator. The other thing to keep in mind is that unlike the Jews, all a dub had to do was renounce his/her faith and that dub would have been set free ..... I wonder how many Jews, Russians and Gypies wished they had that option.
hawk (who hates war)
i have noticed a lot of new people are on this board and i don't know how many of you were with the old h2o.
so every now and then i let all you nice people know where you can read books like the finished mystery or the millions book or the old watchtower (pre 1900s etc.
) or the other study in the scriptures volumes on line.
Hi buffalo,
They do have some of the WTs you request. They go from 1896 to 1916 for download. So you can at least read from 1910 to 1916.
Take care and read, read, read.
i have noticed a lot of new people are on this board and i don't know how many of you were with the old h2o.
so every now and then i let all you nice people know where you can read books like the finished mystery or the millions book or the old watchtower (pre 1900s etc.
) or the other study in the scriptures volumes on line.
Hi every one. I have noticed a lot of new people are on this board and I don't know how many of you were with the old H2O. So every now and then I let all you nice people know where you can read books like the Finished Mystery or the Millions book or the old Watchtower (pre 1900s etc.) or the other Study in the scriptures volumes on line.
Hope you guys find it useful
hi all,.
since the courtcases in moscow and france are on the wall, what are your thoughts on this.. should authorities act by making laws against destructiv sects?.
what kind of laws, and what criteria should identify a destructiv sect?.
In the 1950s the africans were being persecuted and women were expected to be good housewives.
That all changed & they are a lot freer. It took the gov. plus a lot of the public to do it.
Want human rights violations go back and look what happened during the 1950s in Alabama. Geeze and you liked that???
Yes I can show you gov. goof ups etc. but I can also show you a lot of good too.
hawk (who says checks and balances are the key & quit strawmaning me!!!)
here's something i found on kent's site just now.
i wrote it december last.
i didn't know that he purloined it but then again, he purloins lots of stuff, and furthermore i don't save most of what i write.
Hi somebody,
I am going stupid - I thought the GB changed the sheep & goat stuff. I thought if you were on the outside you are now "goatlike" and not a goat? I am sorry for being stupid but.. I thought this meant that the GB was saying they were not sure who Jesus was going to choose as sheep and goats but if you belong to the WT you would definitely be a sheep. So my question is if the GB ain't so sure who is a goat then does this mean the GB is also saying they don't know who is going to bite it during the big A?
hi all,.
since the courtcases in moscow and france are on the wall, what are your thoughts on this.. should authorities act by making laws against destructiv sects?.
what kind of laws, and what criteria should identify a destructiv sect?.
Hi Loki,
Yes I know but I was talking the Americas and not Asia.
You are not confusing
here's something i found on kent's site just now.
i wrote it december last.
i didn't know that he purloined it but then again, he purloins lots of stuff, and furthermore i don't save most of what i write.
Farkel or anyone else,
I am having a slight brain cramp.
How does the GB's 1994(5?) change in the sheep and goats doctrine of Matt. 25 affect what you are saying?
hi all,.
since the courtcases in moscow and france are on the wall, what are your thoughts on this.. should authorities act by making laws against destructiv sects?.
what kind of laws, and what criteria should identify a destructiv sect?.
Point 1 - no frustration
Point 2 - I will trust you
Point 3 - I am glad you are okay but you need something I am around.
Point 4 - I think we both can agree that even though humans have come a long way there is much more work to be done
hi all,.
since the courtcases in moscow and france are on the wall, what are your thoughts on this.. should authorities act by making laws against destructiv sects?.
what kind of laws, and what criteria should identify a destructiv sect?.
Sooner or later they will wake up and see what has happened, and I hope that they will have the strength to rise up and restore those checks and balances (in fact, I suspect it will happen, so you see I'm not a prophet of doom or anything).
I never said you were "you know" or a prophet if doom. All I said was don't "strawman" me just like you (of all people) have taught me. What you are saying is absolute crap and you know it.
I don't know if you have noticed but over the last couple of thousand years or so there were no real checks and balances until the French and then a few other countries came up with this thing called "democracy". The ends justify the means approach was definitely at the head of government over the early centuries. Why the hell do you think JC was so popular? Everybody was poor and under control and they were looking for someone to save them - hope is so powerful.
People are becoming freer and freer all the time. Notice there are democratic governments through out North America and S. America where as before it was all dictators. Yes there still is Cuba and some of the countries like Haitti ain't so great. But it is wild when you compare it historically how far we have come my friend. You are living in a time where it is the norm to critize governments and others who break human rights laws. Its never happened before on such a large scale in human history.
You stated, "I do not wish the government to make a value judgement on my behalf". Oh please, so your kid gets murdered - who do you call upon to find out who did it and serve justice - the government!! But with your line of thinking there would be no one to do a independent investigation and it would be a witch hunt!! I think you meant to say the following - "you will not stand for the government to make value judgments on your behalf unless they are something you need or want and then you will gladly accept it!!! You forget that you have to live with 281 million other people some how in a "republic" that has a consititution.
Just look what you went through last November. Whether you liked it or not the supremes by a 7-2 margin told the 4 of the 7 members of the Florida supreme court they were wrong and weren't treating all the votes in the same way - like a major violation of the consitution). Go back and do it again said the SCOTUS. Then 5 of the 7 said, oh by the way our constitiution says you only have one day to fix it if you want a recount and after that day the election results stand as per the lower court's "democratic" judge decision.
Well the "Vice Genious" or "Tree" had a choice and what did you see before your very eyes - a quite transfer of power of the most powerful country in the world from "IPOTUS" to "Mr. Mispeak" without a War!!! Whether you agree with that decision or not (& oh by the way I agree with the supremes on the consitutionality issue but am not sure over remedy - technically they were right but ...) it is in human history a moment where peace and the law were the option and war was not.
There are check and balances and it is the consititution of the USA that offers you the protection. Sounds to me you just have to know how to use it.
Finally what court cases are you talking about? Did you actually read the decisions? Did they go to apeal? Geeze if you are upset with some decision or something - tell me. Did someone jerk you around recently? Tell me.