In case of law suits set up as many companys as possible.
I wonder which ones are meet the religious corporation requirments.
watchtower convention.
(520) 622-1870. watchtower convention.
(858) 560-9464. mira loma california assembly hall of jehovah's witnesses.
In case of law suits set up as many companys as possible.
I wonder which ones are meet the religious corporation requirments.
disassociation versus disfellowshipping is an interesting discussion for several reasons.
morally, one thing matters: both are procedures put in place by the wts to impose shunning.
that is the bottom line.
Thanks for this post Marvin,
some of you may have already made a post about this but i have decided to post the following anyway.. the booklet - how can blood save your life?
(copyright 2000).
part 2 - bloodvital for life.
got it
I will try to respond from home when I get a minute.
What a day - glad I phoned - I never thought of the publisher angle until Frank mentioned it.
while much attention is given to doctrine in sites such as this, very little is noted about the watchtower societys intellectual dishonesty in its publications, especially when it comes to quotations.. oftentimes the societys writers will cite a scholar or author of some repute: "professor blank observes that blah, blah, blah.
" the reader assumes from the quotation that professor blank is in agreement with the organizations position, of course, and that the quotation chosen accurately depicts the authors thoughts.. heres the catch: the words between the quotation marks may be accurate, but the snippet may not at all faithfully represent someones actual thesis or position.
much like a newspaper ad for a movie that quotes a reviewer as saying "monumental!
Maximus said
...the gun is loaded
The "gun" has gone off!!!!! (and it sounded like a 10 gauge) Check your Emails Maximus and Marvin!!!!!!!!
disassociation versus disfellowshipping is an interesting discussion for several reasons.
morally, one thing matters: both are procedures put in place by the wts to impose shunning.
that is the bottom line.
Maximus and Marvin
The "gun" has gone off!!!!! Check your Emails!!!!!!!!
some of you may have already made a post about this but i have decided to post the following anyway.. the booklet - how can blood save your life?
(copyright 2000).
part 2 - bloodvital for life.
Maximus and Marvin
The "gun" has gone off!!!!! Check your Emails!!!!!!!!
some of you may have already made a post about this but i have decided to post the following anyway.. the booklet - how can blood save your life?
(copyright 2000).
part 2 - bloodvital for life.
Maximus and Marvin,
I called Bethany today to ask if Dr. Gorman got my mail. Answer - all Profs are away for the summer break.
I now have his home address and home phone number but no home Email.
I will try and give him a call at home - I hope he doesn't get too ticked with me.
I will let you know what transpires.
i recently got a copy of the finished mystery.
it's ok if you ignore the mould.
mines the version featured on witnesses of jehovah video.. i got a question.
No problemoo
Just do what my wannabee JW doesn't do. Read !!! (especially using the critical reading skills)
some of you may have already made a post about this but i have decided to post the following anyway.. the booklet - how can blood save your life?
(copyright 2000).
part 2 - bloodvital for life.
Had enough
This place has been helping me for several months now and I'm in turn passing on this info to her to help her.
If you or her need something just ask eh!!
i recently got a copy of the finished mystery.
it's ok if you ignore the mould.
mines the version featured on witnesses of jehovah video.. i got a question.
Why not try the Finished Mystery on line at
This site also have the Millions book and many more at