LMAO - they just can't accept blame for anything , it's always the R&F when they finally wise up and realize they've been lied to . How long was that prediction written inside the WT about the generation of 1914 not passing away ? I mean jeez , who's deceiving who here? Isn't that up there with the serpent telling eve she would certainly not die for eating from the tree of knowledge? The man behind the curtain has been exposed once again .....
JoinedPosts by heathen
3/15 WT " Do Not Deceive Yourself "- WT's Excuses for No Armageddon
by flipper inwith the new " overlap generation " theory that the wt society is pushing onto rank and file jehovah's witnesses since last year this article i found really heavy hitting in the jw version of the wt.
the wt society is leaking oil in that confidence is low among jw's in not really buying into the " generation overlap " theory as many younger jw's are exiting the organization.
so what better way to try reeling members back in by giving them an article entitled " do not deceive yourself with false reasoning " !
Insulting Terms used by the WashTowel
by punkofnice inloading the language is a propogandist tactic to trigger a reaction in the mind.
a prime example is the word 'apostate'!.
i have been called 'spiritually weak' for quitting field service, meetings etc.. how would you respond (without swearing or giving a punch up the hooter), if you were called this?.
They started rumors about being demon possessed because I related some personal experiences to my personal study of spirit sightings and such not to mention the spiritually weak bs . I finally got so fed up with their insane nonsense I told the shepherding callers to go f@#$ themselves whenever they visited . There's a start for ya . I figure wtf even if I decided to go back it's only 6 months of probation . LMAO
1914 to be abandoned around 2016
by Alfred inthe other day i was doing some research about "1914" for a friend on my wt cd library (spanish) and i found it quite interesting that the number of times "1914" is mentioned in the watchtower magazine during the previous 3 decades has been dropping exponentially as follows.... 1980-1989: mentioned 854 times.
1990-1999: mentioned 492 times.
2000-2009: mentioned 222 times.
I don't think they ever give up 1914 since they claim it the end of gentile times and tie it to the jewish exile to babylon and the seven times in Daniel. if they were going to change it , I think they would have with the generation change. It's not like they are afraid of being wrong since they never get it right the first time and have fantastic explanations that circumvent the admission of error on behalf of the org. After all they never said they were infallible ...... blah blah yadda yadda God cannot lie ....
So Sarah Jessica Parker walks into a Kingdom hall and an Elder says....
by Witness 007 in"hello there, why the long face......neeeeeeeeeeeh {horse noise}.
is that a nose or are you just happy to see me ? LOL
So a man walks into a Kingdom Hall for the first time...
by sabastious in...he's wearing sloppy casual clothing, comes in after the song and prayer.
he sits down in the backrow and puts his feat up on the row ahead of him.
he looks very relaxed and starts to intently listen to the public talk.. people start looking back at him, wondering how he could be so brazen.
Yah really ,where's the punch line ? so the speaker on stage says, if you don't remove your feet , jehovah will kill you at armageddon.....
Ok , this Trinity Doctrine is messing me up
by KristiKay insome of you may know, i've been meeting with a jw lady, for a "bible" study (i hate calling it that).
i've been trying to end it pretty much since.
i've gotten more insight on their religion...i've blantently said that i don't like the "governing body", i don't agree with the blood doctrine, can't.
that's true cameo in mathew 28:18 he says , all authority in heaven and earth were given to him not that he had it to begin with . It is obvious by his comments throughout the new testament that he never once boasted equality even tho he says such things as he and the father are one just as he and his followers would be one in purpose and that was to do Gods will. I just don't know what the comment equal in nature was supposed to mean since he was responsible for creating nature on earth. The whole point of him coming to earth was to give his perfect human existence as a ransom , a price paid in exchange for another. -
Ok , this Trinity Doctrine is messing me up
by KristiKay insome of you may know, i've been meeting with a jw lady, for a "bible" study (i hate calling it that).
i've been trying to end it pretty much since.
i've gotten more insight on their religion...i've blantently said that i don't like the "governing body", i don't agree with the blood doctrine, can't.
I don't believe he was Gods equal since he is mentioned as having grown in wisdom and the fact he has no super natural powers until his baptism at the jordan. He recognized the temple as his fathers house and not his own . He had to die an equal to adam not God in order to release us from the bondage of adamic sin and allow for the gentiles to live in equality with the jews . The blood line was corrupted from adam on , thus the animal sacrifices and blood used to atone for sin , now it's the blood of christ used to atone with .
Do not fear, [...] my servant, for I am with you," declares the LORD.
by freetosee injeremiah 46:28 do not fear, [...] my servant, for i am with you," declares the lord.
"though i completely destroy all the nations among which i scatter you, i will not completely destroy you.
i will discipline you but only with justice; i will not let you go entirely unpunished.".
more like ohhh lord save us from your followers and servants !
The GB really do not want us to think for ourselves Mar 15th WT
by life is to short ini know that some of you might think that i really should be reading the wt but with a husband still in and being that i am still very tied to the religion though him i want to know what is up with them in some ways.. the march 15th wt made me feel sick.
on page 5 it was talking about how we need to wait on jehovah.
it was really the same old stuff but i feel with a different twist.
The problem with their reasoning is that there is also a scripture that states , expectations unrealised make the heart grow sick. They're still trying to distort the facts on the generation fiasco . It's like somebody getting caught telling the same lie over and over and being told by many it's not realistic to begin with
so what's the point ? OHH that's right it's about urgency .
Snow!!!! Again!!!! Where to put it all?!
by coffee_black inwell, we are getting more snow tonight... another 6-12" depending on who you listen to.
i took this pic this morning before the snow started.
so, any ideas where to put the snow we're getting tonight????????.
I'd sneak it off to my neighbors yard . LOL