Their love for me may be conditional, but mine for them is not.
Its hard to not want to respond in kind. But they are the ones with all the rules, not me. I dont have limitations.
they seem quite content to do that to you.
why not just let them live their futile, dysfunctional lives and let time be the judge?.
Their love for me may be conditional, but mine for them is not.
Its hard to not want to respond in kind. But they are the ones with all the rules, not me. I dont have limitations.
i just got "the spanking room: a child's eye view of the jehovah's witnesses", by william coburn.
the author says that their old kingdom hall didn't have a spanking room, so the spanking took place in the ladies' room.
there was always a line, either for ladies wanting to make use of the toilet the way it was intended to be used, or for ladies waiting their turn to spank their children.
When they built the new KH where I had attended they added a 'mother's room.' It became a spanking station. I had an infant I was nursing and she would be just about to fall asleep and in would come a mother to spank a child. Wasnt much of an area for mothers, what it became was a place you could spank, and no one could see you.
The Elders had recieved complaints from the community who had see some parents, one sister in particular, haul her child outside and wail on him. So their solution was to tell her to make sure she only spanked him indoors. At first she would somewhat curtail her spanking if I was back there with my daughter but after a short period of time she decided it didnt matter. One day after seeing her drag her two year old back to the room in a rage strip him naked and pull out a wooden spoon to beat him, I refused to sit and watch her harm him. I took the wooden spoon out of her hand and asked is she would like being hit with this?
I spoke to the elders and they informed my husband and I that it was not our place to tell another parent how to dicipline their child. They would do nothing, and told me I was in the wrong to interfere. There were MANY in the hall who would cringe everytime that she got up because they knew the sounds of the beating were still going to escape the room. I finally decided to follow her everytime she got up... as she was not willing to have me as an audience anymore.. she no longer drug him back to the bathroom. I wish I could say as much for his home.
I think the general apathy of 'its none of my business' and we wouldnt want to make a bad name for Jehovah, by involving authorities, really shelters alot of abuse.
is this gods organization?.
after 50 yrs in, 25 as some type of servant in responsible position, i am beginning to wonder.. .
to me, gods organization should be exactly what the bible says.
I see your viewpoint too.
No, it's never wrong to expect that God loves us.
is this gods organization?.
after 50 yrs in, 25 as some type of servant in responsible position, i am beginning to wonder.. .
to me, gods organization should be exactly what the bible says.
Hi Designs,
You are talking about my avatar? :-)
I am talking about My Lord whom I know.
I agree that there can be many different projections, especially by religion of whom Jesus is, and what he is like. It can be like never meeting someone, and yet taking someone's word for how they say he is. Which is why we have to come to know Him and his father personally, otherwise it all becomes artifical doesnt it?
Gladiator, yeah I prayed for all those years as a JW too. Alot of times with an honest heart. Problem is, I had no idea who or where the answer to my prayers came from. The organization said it was them, so I believed that and listened to what it said. So my heart wasnt all that open and honest was it? When I had already assumed I knew what the answer was. It can be very frightening for a witness to take off the blinders. But if Monkeyman wants to know the truth, which is Christ, he cannot keep them on, and stare at an organization to teach him the truth. They do not know Jesus. How can they have the answers? The only way is to ask him to whom he is praying to show him the truth, and be willing to follow. And it is the following part that many are not willing to do.
is this gods organization?.
after 50 yrs in, 25 as some type of servant in responsible position, i am beginning to wonder.. .
to me, gods organization should be exactly what the bible says.
Seems that you already know the answer to your question, and your at the point of now what.
Remember the question, "where will you go?" is one they created to stop people from rejecting them as God's messengers. The rationalization of 'wait until things change" was also created by them to keep you there. Both are ingrained manipulations.
Pray with an open heart, and he will answer your questions.
May he give you the strength to follow his voice.
Christian love
another thread has set me off ...the one about anniversaries ...and i read an extract that blondie posted on there....suddenly i am soooo bl**dy indignant!!!!.
why did we allow a bunch of men to dictate to us not only what we believed, but even how we parented our kids,and then even how we spent our free time?????
how could we allow this stuff?????.
Its funny when anger comes up, it can really suprise us. Sometimes it comes from pain that others caused and it results in a feeling of rage. Or maybe even anger at ourselves for our of gullibility or not seeing what we thought we should.
Healing takes time, and when Jesus heals us it is complete, so sometimes he works on different areas at different times. So look for the root, and let him heal it, anger is usually a symptom not the cause.
With love
did anyone here claim to be of the anointed and partook of the emblems at memorial when you were still a witness???
if so, was there really a force telling you, you were special and would go to heaven?
or was it more so overjoy at how spritual you though you were?
Good Morning Debator,
Just a couple of thoughts here,
You used the following scripture to prove your position. I would like to address a few of them, If you will indulge me a bit.
Hi candlelight
My point was eactly the one you made the Bible God's own words defines "the cross" as an idol. By carving an image to represent Jesus or his death instrument and put it on altars or in God's house, carrying it about with them, they made it into an idol in the purest biblical definition of one. You allegations that the bible can be an idol are unsupported by scripture. We are supposed to use God's scripture it is the sword of the spirit.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edgedsword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
I have no agruement with you that the cross is in fact an Idol. But let us look at what else can be an Idol, our stomachs (gluttony), People that are Worshiped(you mentioned the pope, (I also include that who ask for dedication to themselves that are not entitled to such positions). Our apperance can be worshiped and pride is actually a worship of oneself and our own abilities. If we recall, Babal was a worship of their own abilities to raise themselves above God himself.
You quoted Hebrews. If you read the surrounding text, it is evident that it is discussing Jesus. Think about the words. Is words on a page alive? Does it have authority to Judge you? Jesus himself said that His Father is the Judge. The Bible Testifies. It is a Witness to truth. What is it's Testimony? Jesus explains that it is a witness to HIM! If we take what was given as a testimony and replace it for what it was given to testify too, is that not an Idol?
Jesus does not cancel out the Bible he opened it up for us.
Luke 24:45
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
Yes I agree. Without him, you cannot understand the testimony given. However, salvation is not obtained by knowledge of scripture, but infact knowing Jesus. If you feel that you can 'take in knowledge', instead of knowing him, than you have placed your salvation in a book.
did anyone here claim to be of the anointed and partook of the emblems at memorial when you were still a witness???
if so, was there really a force telling you, you were special and would go to heaven?
or was it more so overjoy at how spritual you though you were?
Hi Candlelight
I like to keep the boundaries clear. I'm not sure I would say I like a prolonged debate especially if we are just repeating the same points. The gb are humble because they are humble. Admittedly the Pope with his country, palace and jewels and papal infalibility is an easy target.
What is idolatry? Can using the Bible as God's word and sword of the spirit mean idolatry? Can the "cross" a carved, wood, gold, silver mute image of Jesus in god's house be anything but an idol biblically?
You and I clearly have different ideas on what these terms mean and cover biblically. so we may have to agree to disagree
Yes we do have different ideas of what the words mean. I could not help but recall that Jesus too, explained that he had different definitions also, such as the ones written at Matt. 5:28. So you see, it is not important how we define things, but instead how our Father does. Anything at all that takes the position that only belong to Jesus, and takes away from the service that only belongs to him is Idolatry.
Have you ever wondered why gluttons are mentioned among such sinners as Murderers, and thieves?
did anyone here claim to be of the anointed and partook of the emblems at memorial when you were still a witness???
if so, was there really a force telling you, you were special and would go to heaven?
or was it more so overjoy at how spritual you though you were?
I do not post much, but I do visit often and read. I enjoyed the link to your story, it touched my heart.
I look forward to getting to know you :-)
did anyone here claim to be of the anointed and partook of the emblems at memorial when you were still a witness???
if so, was there really a force telling you, you were special and would go to heaven?
or was it more so overjoy at how spritual you though you were?
Hello Debator,
By your name, I can see you enjoy a continued and long discussion. I will be upfront. I do not. I find them unfruitful. However, in this instances I will continue, even though what I say will probably fall on a deaf ear.
You cast a stone at the pope, and yet because they call themselves by different names and wear "humble" clothes, declare the GB and elders clean? You call the Cross an Idol, and yet I say to you, what is the Bible to Jehovah's Witnesses, but something to be worshiped? The Adultery and Idolatry is still the same act, no matter whom it is commited with.