This is cl. Just wanted to give everyone an update on my JC meeting.
I am happy to report everything went very well. I got privately reproved. My restrictions are no pioneering or demos for the school. I am still able to comment, which I am very happy about. That will make it less noticeable that I have even been reproved. I actively participate in commenting during the meeting and not commenting would have been a dead giveaway that I was in "trouble", not to mention humilliating for me. The elders were very, very caring which surprised me.....I was prepared for the worst after reading some JC stories on this site. No inapropriate questions were asked. Didn't ask about my undies, praise the lord. lol They only wanted the facts. One thing they did ask about was my divorce situation. Questions like how long I had been divorced, was my ex active, did I have contact with him, would I ever consider reconciling with him, did I still talk to him. I was honest and said I would NEVER EVER go back to him and would prefer to live a life of loneliness. Told them I hadn't spoken with him in 3 years either and that we were not friends. They looked a bit shocked when I said that, but I think they got the point. Also wanted to know if I wanted to remarry ever. I said I would love to remarry someday, but both my ex and I knew the decision of no remarriage when we got divorced. They kept on saying "well, you are a very attractive sister and must have brothers approach you all the time wanting to get to know you." I said, "Yes, brothers approach me all the time, but I make it clear I am not free to marry. I never mislead anyone." I know they asked those questions in order to see if my "moment of weakness" had been planned for freedom to remarry. They did tell me I had to inform my ex he was free to remarry. I told them I would. I asked if I had to ask him for forgiveness or put something in writing. They said no, just tell him he is free. That's it. They made no mention if I was free to remarry...and I didn't ask! I thought not asking about my freedom would be best because then it would start to look suspicious. They told me to report back to them when I told the ex about his freedom. Maybe then they'll mention something about my marriage status. Until then, I will be on my BEST behavior!!!! :)
All in all, the elders were encouraging and kind. Never made me feel like I was a horrible person. They made it clear they were not there to judge me or give me my forgiveness. Said Jehovah had already forgiven me and everything else was between me and Jehovah.
So that's the story. Thanks to all for the advice regarding my posting.
Have a wonderful day....