I'm just started at a new congregation and don't know if they know about my divorce. Will they ask me if I had been married before? Will JC require me to ask my ex for forgiveness since I was the one who filed the divorce? The ex and his PO father/elder, regular pioneer mother tell everyone I am dead to them. I know he has been with other women, but have never been able to get the "proof" I need to satisfy elders inquiries. Am I free to remarry???
I am not sure what you want to do- tell them truth or hide it.
If you want to tell the truth and remain part of the congregation, you are not free to remarry.
You would have to inform your scriptural husband (regardless of reality, that's how they see it)
of what you did and he would be free to reject you. A JC might ask you to inform him, consider
asking for forgiveness and reconciliation. Difficult to say.
I imagine your ex would never admit he is cheating on his scriptural wife.
If you are not interested in telling them the truth, but want to remain in the cong. for your own
reasons, it might be worth a shot to simply say that you are scripturally divorced, your husband
committed adultery but was repentant, and you got a divorce. This could backfire and get you
into more trouble, but likely would just result in no investigation of your past congregation.
If you want to stay "in" I would simply recommend doing whatever they say. Pray with them,
say you are sorry with them, inform your ex within whatever instructions they give you. Bend over
backwards to do whatever they want. Afterwards, when you have not gotten back together with
your ex, do whatever you want with the current guy- just don't tell the elders. If you want to marry
or just have fun, they don't need to know. If that won't work, then go ahead and get DF'ed.
Others will have more insight. It's really a matter of what you want.
BUT you are not free to remarry by their rules yet.
I would also consider this a good time to re-evaluate whether you can just walk away from dubs
at this point in your life and do whatever you want.