*sigh* Well whatever, I just stumbled upon this forum while doing research on dinosaurs and the bible. Didnt realize that this was a haven for people to justify their reasons for leaving Jehovah by exchanging stories in an attempt to feel not so guilty for their decisions. Bottom line it takes a leap of faith to become one of Jehovah's people and trust in him just as it is a leap of faith to say that him and his people are wrong. Ironically enough you guys have got me excited about going back (which ive been wanting to do anyways) In my years ive met several people/families that are REAL Jehovah's Witnesses that are loving, fun, and spiritual and don't lose sight of things and get caught up in all the rules and protocols and whatnot which is what a lot of witnesses/elders do. And i'm going to join them and encourage others to join us too, the REAL witnesses. Well guys, I wouldnt wallow in your sadness for too long, dont let it distract you, brush it off and continue living life. thats all you can do. good luck guys.
JoinedPosts by Trickie
I have a theory regarding Elders
by Peppermint inthere has been much talk about the reasons for the demise of the book study.
the society claim rising gas/petrol prices, which of course is not the real reason.
some here think its down to declining numbers of elders and those who are reaching out.
I have a theory regarding Elders
by Peppermint inthere has been much talk about the reasons for the demise of the book study.
the society claim rising gas/petrol prices, which of course is not the real reason.
some here think its down to declining numbers of elders and those who are reaching out.
Should we trust the elders in a spiritual sense? Yes, they are directed by God. Should we trust them with our lives physically? NOO! And the blood issue has nothing whatsoever to do with the elders, its a commandment made by God.
I have a theory regarding Elders
by Peppermint inthere has been much talk about the reasons for the demise of the book study.
the society claim rising gas/petrol prices, which of course is not the real reason.
some here think its down to declining numbers of elders and those who are reaching out.
WHITE DOVE - NEVER are you told to trust Elders or anybody in the org with your life and NEVER should you even do so. They themselves say that everybody is imperfect, dont ever leave your kids alone with ANYBODY thats just dumb. Crazyblonde - I myself havent been a victim but members in my family have been abused, not by witnesses, although my mother-in-law was by her bio dad when she was a kid and she went anti-jw cause of it for a while. my point is that pedophilia isnt an issue of witnesses, its an issue of this world. dont leave your kids alone with anyone.
It's "lie through my teeth" time again.
by easyreader1970 inwell, the elders are coming over tomorrow for a shepherding call with me and my wife.
i am sure they will discuss my low hours in the field ministry and how i am not doing everything i could be doing.
for my wife's sake, i will be good and mostly "smile and nod".
I wasent talking about you White Dove just the TS and people encouraging his lying two faced lifestyle. be cool or get out, thats all im saying.
I have a theory regarding Elders
by Peppermint inthere has been much talk about the reasons for the demise of the book study.
the society claim rising gas/petrol prices, which of course is not the real reason.
some here think its down to declining numbers of elders and those who are reaching out.
My question is why in the world are people leaving theyre kids alone with ANYBODY for in the first place, elder or not.
It's "lie through my teeth" time again.
by easyreader1970 inwell, the elders are coming over tomorrow for a shepherding call with me and my wife.
i am sure they will discuss my low hours in the field ministry and how i am not doing everything i could be doing.
for my wife's sake, i will be good and mostly "smile and nod".
FLIPPER - I am an ex-jw or shall i say i was never baptized but all this witness bashing is weak. I know good witness bashing when i see it, so far i havent on here at least. Funny enough most of my issues with witnesses are from people like the TS. For years i've seeing people go the easy route and just lie and they get all the respect and love from the witnesses meanwhile people like me and my friends get judged just cause we werent doing as good when in all reality we were the best little witness kids around (looking back). so to me when i see people like you guys, you guys are a part of the corruption.
I have a theory regarding Elders
by Peppermint inthere has been much talk about the reasons for the demise of the book study.
the society claim rising gas/petrol prices, which of course is not the real reason.
some here think its down to declining numbers of elders and those who are reaching out.
course i dont back up pedophiles i have my own issues with that myself. what i'm saying is unless you want isolate your family to the mountains theres gonna be a risk that your child could get abused. with the witnesses, if its a he said she said situation they cant do anything about it if the Elder or the offender lies about it. very very disgusting i know, however thats the best system they can come up with otherwise anyone with beef will an elder would just shout "rape" and they would be removed (again ive had my exp with this too). so in the end theres no perfect system for this just that you know Jehovah has something special reserved for these sickos.
It's "lie through my teeth" time again.
by easyreader1970 inwell, the elders are coming over tomorrow for a shepherding call with me and my wife.
i am sure they will discuss my low hours in the field ministry and how i am not doing everything i could be doing.
for my wife's sake, i will be good and mostly "smile and nod".
lol and ignore Trickie. am i missing something here? i just found these forums last night so i dunno whats up. some kinda underground club where you appear as a witness just to appease your family all the while "sticking it" to the elders any chance you can? dont get it.
Kevin Smith, Prince, and the JW's...
by avishai inin the two kevin smith spoken word videos, he tells a story about how he goes out to paisley park (prince's studio's) and basically ends up filming a documentary on prince's new album, the jw's, etc.
in the second spoken word film, he talks about how prince wanted to use the footage as a jw recruitment film.
now, smith is the director of clerks, mallrats, dogma, great dirctor, but dirty, dirty films, and dogma is one of the best indictments of religion i've ever seen.
Didnt know Terrence Howard was a witness, does he currently go to meetings or was he was just raised? but anyhow none of these guys hold any position at all in the org. I use to go to the same KH as Damon Waynes, and I've watched him struggle and at no point was he ever a highly respected witness or anything, just another guy fighting the struggle of trying to make it. i'm pretty sure that these "celeb witnesses" are just floatin on the edge. not like they go to meetings as a MS and give talks an announcements and go out in service each day and then at night go film a movie about getting fellatio in a car, nah dont think so. dont try to use these guys to justify anything.
It's "lie through my teeth" time again.
by easyreader1970 inwell, the elders are coming over tomorrow for a shepherding call with me and my wife.
i am sure they will discuss my low hours in the field ministry and how i am not doing everything i could be doing.
for my wife's sake, i will be good and mostly "smile and nod".
man get some balls and leave then if you have to "lie thru your teeth". cant stand people like you that choose the easy route and just simply "lie". i've been dancing with the elders for years, trust me i know how unfair they can be but you dont do it for them.