There has been much talk about the reasons for the demise of the book study. The society claim rising gas/petrol prices, which of course is not the real reason. Some here think its down to declining numbers of elders and those who are reaching out. Maybe issues with pedophilia that could arise in the less controlled environment of a private home could be the reason? Could it be down to control? small groups in a relaxed setting are more likely to discuss things loosely.
All these things could be in play but I don't think any one of them or even the combination would cause the society to take the steps it has. But I do have a theory. My idea relates to the fact that elders seem to be declining. Around here and from my experience that decline is not so much about numbers but about quality. This is what I believe is going to happen.
I think we are about to get a big cull. Call it what you like, a sifting a clear out, demotion whatever but I think the governing body is looking for a more professional elder class. This cream of the crop will be more tightly controlled and versed in law etc. being much less likely to mess up and become an embarrassment. If you also take into account the lay-offs at bethel with long timers from there being returned to the congregation you have an easy fix for deflated egos. Also why stop there would you need costly Circuit Overseers with better leadership? why not incorporated them also. Anyway just some loose thoughts. What do you think?
I have a theory regarding Elders
by Peppermint 39 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting theory P/mint
Me? I think it's more mundane. Modern people don't have the attention span, or time, for so many meetings per week. It's the easiest meeting to get rid of and overall the drones will see it as a "blessing" from a loving org, who wish to ease their burden.
Eyes Open
I can see your point. Thinking back to the elders in my congregation and the one next to it, quite a few were certainly less than intellectually well off (some of those were nice people, in the main, though). An ex-JW friend of mine told me that he started to realise that the people who were telling him things from the platform weren't very clever. And if the elders appear to be "cleverer" than the rest that's got to be good for control of the masses.
A plausible theory.
Hey Ynot, thats a scary thought. Elder clones. I wonder if the society has a laboratory.
Hey Peppermint,
Interesting thought about consolidating and grooming higher quality servants.
However, I think at this point they are proverbially, "pissing into the wind." IMHO, I think anything they do now, to improve the quality of the servants or to attact better talent, is too little, too late. The old timers were on fire about the message back in the 50s, 60s and early 70s. The fire is gone, because there is such a wishy washy message, now. The BORG doesn't stand for anything exciting or provocative to keep the R & F motivated.
I left in 1997, and the changes that have been made in recent years with the generation explanation, one Awake per month, the Kool Aid version of the WT, the pedophile cover up and denial, and axing the Book Study says to me that they are scrambling and maneuvering to keep a lid on the discontent and dissatisfaction. About a month ago, there was a report in the U.S. press that the Dubs have the highest turnover rate of any religion in the U.S. Any way you slice it, they've got big problems.
Since were chatting, it has always amazed me that the Brits, being such rational people could have fallen so hard for such an All American religion--what's up with that?
why in the world are you guys so hung up over pedophile stuff, PUH-LEASE. its weak, get over it find something better to attack. find another religion or organization that has 7 million members that has NO rape. not gonna happen. its an issue of weakness and numbers, its bound to happen.
why in the world are you guys so hung up over pedophile stuff, PUH-LEASE. its weak, get over it find something better to attack. find another religion or organization that has 7 million members that has NO rape. not gonna happen. its an issue of weakness and numbers, its bound to happen.
Excuse me????!!!!
I bet if this had happened to you, or your child, you'd be thinking a lot differently!! At least the Catholic church apologized......that's more than the WTBS will ever do. They settle some of their lawsuits in silence. MOST of them, the elders are instructed how to cover up. I know this for a fact. I was one of their victims. My stepdad, who has a position of authority, can do it again.
All I can say, is if I find out he has harmed another child, no one will be able to stop my wrath!!
TRICKIE- What is the reason you are defending pedophiles? Are you on the Watchtowers secret list of 23,000 yourself ? You sound pissed off that we are concerned !? What's that all about ? Peace out, and welcome to the board ! Mr. Flipper