My favorite literary character from my favorite author
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
Can You Defend Yourself before a J. Committee?
by D wiltshire into those who have been before a judicial committee for apostacy.. the elders will ask you questions not for the purpose of finding out the truth, but to make sure they can df you.. at my appeal hearing serveral months ago i was questioned by the appeal committees to their satifaction, they even thanked me for my honesty, as it helped them get what they were looking for to make the original dfing stand.. after they were finished with their questions i ask if i could now defend myself and prove that i was telling the truth and not a biblical apostate.. the chairman informed me that i would not be allowed to defend myself.. i looked at all 8 brothers(2 committees 5 & 3) in total amazement at his refusal to allow me to defend myself.
to them(8) it seem perfectly alright not to allow me to defend myself.. wow.. the chairman said they really were not a judicial court and did not need to be that concerned about doing things in harmony with what is concidered to be fair and right by worldly courts or the bible.
in fact the chairman spent about 10 minutes trying to explain why they didn't have have to be fair in the legalistic way of courts.. .
Clarity - Thanks for bringing this thread back. I really enjoyed reading it.
by clarity inthis will put starch in your backbone!
love this guy!.
d8tabreaking my silence everyone read!!
Great Story!
When was the first time...
by OneDayillBeFree inyou ever went on jwn?
do you remember?
what made you do it?
OneDay - I loved your story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
6 years ago my cousin (Restrangled) told me about the web site Women Awake. It was a rather gentle and kind apostate site for JW women. When I was able to handle that I then moved on to Jehovahswitnessrecovery, I then graduated to this site and love it here.
A bit more Activity on the Mentally Diseased Front
by cantleave inthis from someone not on this board:.
hi guys,.
as i said yesterday, i am already in touch with the chief inspector of the diversity unit for thames valley police and i forwarded him the articles from the independent and the telegraph.
This just keeps getting better and better!
Nov.15th WT - Quotes Dissing - Internet, Higher Education, Earning a Living
by flipper inas most of us here are aware the wt society is using the " kool-aid " , or witness only version as i call it - to indoctrinate and intimidate jw members through fear and guilt to avoid anything that takes their devotion and attention away from allegiance to the wt society's ambitions.
so the wt society is amping up it's control methods once again in various articles in this issue as well.. first off - notice this quote from page 14 , paragraph 16 , regarding how " dangerous " allegedly the internet is.
it states, " these desires ( of the world ) involve such things as promiscuity, prominence , and possessions.
The median starting salary for students graduating from four-year colleges in 2009 and 2010 was $27,000
. Many people in this world consider higher education an indispensable stepping-stone to prestige and an affluent life.
$27,000 is a far cry from a prestige’s affluent lifestyle...It is more like rent, food, a modest car payment and just enough left over to make your student loan payment. The people who write this stuff are such dumbasses.
"Mentally diseased" article to be published in The Independent tomorrow
by cedars inhi everyone.
as a parting gift to you all before i take a much needed break from this forum, i thought you would be pleased to know that the independent, a leading uk newspaper, will be publishing a piece on the "mentally diseased" watchtower article in tomorrow's edition.. i would like to thank everybody who has assisted the journalist, jerome taylor, in his investigation.. best wishes to all of you,.
I just sent the article to our 4 local Denver stations and the Denver Post
"Mentally diseased" article to be published in The Independent tomorrow
by cedars inhi everyone.
as a parting gift to you all before i take a much needed break from this forum, i thought you would be pleased to know that the independent, a leading uk newspaper, will be publishing a piece on the "mentally diseased" watchtower article in tomorrow's edition.. i would like to thank everybody who has assisted the journalist, jerome taylor, in his investigation.. best wishes to all of you,.
Thank you CEDARS so much! I sent the article to a neighbor that has had witnesses calling on him for awhile. He would not listen to me when I said they were a cult. He just telephoned me and said after reading the article he can understand why I feel JW's are a cult. SO HAPPY!!!!!
Special day Last talk "No formula"
by MommieTiger inthis weekend at our special assembly day, let gods will take place the final talk was a head shaker.... the bethel speaker was quite entertaining when he joked @ the shortcomings of the elders.
he also made us laugh with the comment "we were told the end of the system is right around the corner, but we've found its been more than that, we've been around the blocks a few times.
" he told the young ones to make the truth their own by researching in the wtbts publication (only).
"Oh how hilariously witty, I wish I had been there to join in the happifying mirth spewing forth from that jovial Bethel boy's mouth, thinking about how my generation back in the late 1960s were told to leave school and wash windows or do menial cleaning jobs to support us as we pioneered our way through the last days of this wicked system.
We were told as FACT that any college course we started would be a complete waste of time because armageddon would be here before we had a chance to finish it. Those wise words from the GB came in 1969, and oh, isn't it so funny that they got it wrong, tee hee, and my generation are all retiring now with nothing more than a meagre state pension to live off."
Spot On!! You hit a nerve! The joke is really on us, isn't it?
Today's Watchtower Lesson Really Bothered Me...
by dontplaceliterature ini was a hair away from telling my wife i never wanted to go to the kingdom hall again after today's watchtower.
the conductor mentioned something along the lines of..."if you think having to shun your disfellowshipped children is should read up on the israelites.
when one of their children was disobedient to the law, they had to take the before the judges so that they could be stoned to death...and guess who's job it was throw the first stone?".
I feel so sorry for my aged die hard parents. They continue to associate with their DF'ed children, however I know the guilt is overwhelming. My parents WT is in the afternoon, so I planned well in advance to have my mother come over to my place in the morning and can peaches with me and my sister. She was having the time of her life, doing something she enjoys in the company of her 2 daughters. I figured it would be harder for her to buy into the study lesson after having such a wonderful morning.