The only time you are coasting is when you are going downhill
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
by strymeckirules inwhat saying made it all around the country?.
the ones that were passed around, word of mouth.. for example.
"donations basis proves jehovah is behind the work!".
by strymeckirules inwhat saying made it all around the country?.
the ones that were passed around, word of mouth.. for example.
"donations basis proves jehovah is behind the work!".
"The Friends"
"The Slave"
"The Remnant"
"The Life-Saving Work"
My review of 2011 - the mad, the obscure, the outrageous, the terrible...
by cedars in2011 is a special landmark year in my life, because it is the year when i finally said "enough is enough" and awakened from my increasingly passive role within the jw faith.
coincidentally, this was also the year in which the governing body "ramped up" its rhetoric to ever more dizzying heights of arrogance, hatred, and absurdity.
whether 2011 subsequently goes down in the history of the watch tower society as being a true turning point in its downfall remains to be seen.
Thank you so much Cedars! Spot like usual
Two Elders just left.
by mouthy inhow wonderful it was... i saw two women over the road knocking on doors .
i could see they were jws...i prayed & asked they would call here... but no!!!!
the lord sent two men!!!!elders!!!!
2012 Yearbook
by Mickey mouse inby this point in the year the yearbook has usually been seen by someone and the partakers figure is known.
has anyone set eyes on it yet?.
Is it not thrilling to know that Jehovah’s servants did more in the preaching work in April than they had done in any other month in history?
I do not think thrilling is the correct word
Disgusting talk about disfellowshipped children...
by Morbidzbaby in
you have to be fucking kidding me... this is mind control at it's best.
encouraging parents to ignore their kids who have left the jw's and blaming the kids themselves for the rift that's caused.
Absolutely Appalling!!
The parents wished their children had never been born
The parents did not do the fornicating, stealing and lying
spiritual death of a child being as terrible as a literal death of a child
Of course Charles Sinutko never had any children.
As An EXJW Does Christmas Mean Anything To You?
by minimus ini've been thinking how correct the witnesses are regarding an aspect of xmas.
it is totally commercialized and it's big business and materialism.
having said that, i enjoy giving presents and recieving them.
Good LORD - what in the world kind of an office is THAT???
Here in Boulder, CO we do things right! I work for a classical music organization.
As An EXJW Does Christmas Mean Anything To You?
by minimus ini've been thinking how correct the witnesses are regarding an aspect of xmas.
it is totally commercialized and it's big business and materialism.
having said that, i enjoy giving presents and recieving them.
My office closes for two weeks - that has a lot of meaning. Other than that I have a hard time getting into it - I went to 3 Christmas parties this past weekend and it seemed to be too many lonely people getting smashed.
When you were active, did you feel you would survive Armageddon?
by Band on the Run ini am curious about this issue.
personally, i never felt i would be good enough for a split second.
one would think that knowing you can not be good enough to survive would it make it easier to leave the witnesses and live for the present.
NO....I often likened myself to the parable of the two sons....A man had two sons, and he came to the first, and said, 'Son, go work today in my vineyard.' He answered, 'I will not,' but afterward he changed his mind, and went. He came to the second, and said the same thing. He answered, 'I go, sir,' but he didn't go. Which of the two did the will of his father?"
For the decade I pioneered I ways always short on my time. I felt like I had promised Jehovah something I could not deliver and He would have to destroy me.
Very tiny change to Service Meeting Announcements protocol.
by Open mind infor those who want to keep up with the "pure language", i found out this week that at the most recent elder's school, they were told that the announcements should no longer include the following:.
1. name of public talk and speaker for sunday.
2. synopsis of all the parts that are coming up on the rest of the service meeting.
We must really be close to the end now